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The city of Neverfall is a formidable fortress city that has always been a key defense for Modren. Its strategic location at a crucial crossroad has made it a target for enemies throughout history. Despite numerous sieges and attacks, the city has never fallen to an invading force. Neverfall is surrounded by towering walls and a deep moat, making it nearly impregnable. The city has several gates, including the massive Main Gate, which is protected by a drawbridge and portcullis. The city also has several watchtowers and guard towers positioned along the walls, allowing for a clear view of the surrounding landscape.   Inside the walls, Neverfall is a bustling city that serves as a hub for trade and commerce. The city is home to many skilled craftsmen and artisans, who produce high-quality goods that are highly sought after throughout Modren. The city's economy is heavily dependent on trade, with caravans and merchants from all over the country passing through on their way to other destinations.   Despite its importance, Neverfall has a relatively small population, as many people are deterred by the harsh conditions within the fortress walls. The city is often cold and damp, with limited access to sunlight and fresh air. However, those who do call Neverfall home are proud of their city's history and reputation for strength and resilience.   The city is ruled by Lord Aron of House Thorne, a respected noble who is known for his bravery and strategic mind. Lord Aron is supported by a council of advisors, which includes representatives from the city's guilds and merchant houses, as well as military commanders and other prominent figures. The city has a large standing army, which is always ready to defend Neverfall against any threat.   Despite its strong defenses, Neverfall faces several challenges. The city is often the target of raids and attacks by bandits and other criminals, who seek to plunder its wealth and resources. The harsh conditions within the city walls also make it difficult to maintain a healthy and growing population. Additionally, the city's location at a crucial crossroad means that it is often a site of conflict and tension between different factions and interests within Modren.
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