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The Per'kasha, known in the common tongue as Catfolk, are a nomadic people native to the rugged and diverse landscapes of Bariatok. Their appearance is as varied and striking as the feline world from which they draw their inspiration. Per'kasha appearances can differ greatly even among members of the same family. Some bear a close resemblance to domesticated house cats, with sleek fur and delicate features, while others exhibit the more robust and wild characteristics of feral felines such as jaguars, lynxes, and tigers. Regardless of these variations, all Per'kasha share some common traits: long, expressive tails, retractable claws, and an innate agility that makes them both formidable hunters and graceful movers.   Community and Caravan Life   The Per'kasha live in small, tightly-knit caravans consisting of their closest family members. These caravans traverse the vast territories of Bariatok, moving with the changing seasons and the shifting needs of their people. The caravans are more than just groups of travelers; they are microcosms of the Per'kasha society, where each member plays a crucial role in ensuring the survival and well-being of the group.   Loyalty, trust, and cooperation are the cornerstones of Per'kasha life. Unlike many other races in Aranath that have evolved into more individualistic societies, the Per'kasha place a higher value on the collective good. Each member of the caravan relies heavily on their fellows, fostering a strong sense of community and mutual dependence. It is this community-minded approach that has allowed the Per'kasha to endure despite the harsh challenges they face.   The Pilgrimage of Coming of Age   A defining rite of passage for every young Per'kasha is the pilgrimage undertaken upon reaching adulthood. This journey serves multiple purposes, both practical and symbolic. The primary goal is for each young Per'kasha to acquire new knowledge, skills, or resources that will benefit their caravan. These contributions can take many forms, such as medical knowledge, rare materials, or even artifacts from the ancient Per'kasha civilization.   The pilgrimage is also a deeply personal journey. It is a time for self-discovery, where the young Per'kasha learns more about their own strengths and capabilities. Through this journey, they gain a deeper understanding of their role within the caravan and the broader Per'kasha community.   A Glorious Past and a Struggle for Survival   In ancient times, the Per'kasha were not nomads but the inhabitants of a flourishing civilization with towns and cities scattered across Bariatok. Their cities were centers of culture, knowledge, and commerce, where the arts and sciences thrived. However, this golden age came to a devastating end a few hundred years ago when a race of lizard people, driven by unknown motives, unleashed a brutal campaign of destruction against the Per'kasha.   The lizard people razed Per'kasha cities, hunted their people, and nearly brought their civilization to extinction. In the wake of this cataclysm, the surviving Per'kasha scattered and adopted a nomadic lifestyle, prioritizing the survival of their race and the preservation of their cultural heritage above all else.   Guardians of Heritage   Despite the hardships and the nomadic life they now lead, the Per'kasha remain fiercely proud of their heritage. They are the guardians of ancient traditions, stories, and knowledge passed down through generations. Whenever possible, they seek to reclaim relics and artifacts from their lost civilization, viewing these items as tangible links to their glorious past.   The Per'kasha also maintain a rich oral tradition, with elders recounting tales of the old cities and the heroes of their people. These stories serve as a source of inspiration and a reminder of what was lost and what they strive to preserve.   Looking to the Future   The Per'kasha are a resilient people, constantly adapting to the challenges of their nomadic existence. They are always on the lookout for opportunities to strengthen their caravans, whether through alliances with other races, the acquisition of new knowledge, or the reclamation of their ancient heritage. Their ultimate dream is to one day rebuild their civilization, free from the fear of extinction, and to restore the grandeur of the Per'kasha legacy.   In every step they take, whether it is the careful navigation of Bariatok's treacherous terrain or the solemn pilgrimage of a young Per'kasha, they carry with them the unyielding spirit of their ancestors. The Per'kasha are not just survivors; they are the living embodiment of a rich and enduring legacy, ever hopeful for a future where their people can once again thrive in the lands of their forebears.


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