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Prince Darath Cyril of Kaelderen

Born into a lineage of proud and noble rulers, Prince Darath Cyril was the only son of King Arath Cyril, the last sovereign ruler of Kaelderen. When the Empire finally defeated Kaelderen and King Arath Cyril was executed, Darath was still a mere infant, unaware of the great burden that would eventually rest upon his shoulders. The day the Empire marched into the Kaelderian capital was a day of chaos, destruction, and treachery, but it was also a day marked by great bravery. In a desperate and courageous effort, the royal guards—loyal to the very end—spirited the young prince out of the capital. They risked their lives to ensure that the last hope of the Cyril dynasty survived.   The infant Darath was taken to the neighboring kingdom of Sidonia, where he was hidden from the Empire’s reach. In Sidonia, the prince was raised in secret, his true identity known only to a few trusted allies. He was provided a safe haven in the capital city of Crestfall, growing up in a foreign land yet always under the shadow of his true homeland's plight. Sidonian leaders, sympathetic to Kaelderen's cause and wary of the Empire’s growing power, offered him protection and fostered the hope that one day he would return to reclaim his birthright.   Appearance and Demeanor Now in his twenties, Prince Darath Cyril stands tall and regal, carrying the air of a man born to rule, even though he has lived most of his life in exile. He has the distinctive features of the Cyril family, with piercing blue eyes that seem to carry the weight of his lost kingdom and dark hair that falls just past his shoulders, often kept neatly tied back. His strong jawline and the determination etched into his face make him a figure of quiet but commanding presence. Though he has the appearance of a scholar, his demeanor reveals the depth of his noble lineage and the fire of his ambitions.   Life in Sidonia and the Arcane Lyceum To maintain his cover and to blend into the elite circles of Sidonian society, Darath has taken on the role of a student at the prestigious Arcane Lyceum in Crestfall. Although he possesses no natural talent for magic, a fact he was quick to accept, his studies there provide the perfect cover for his true intentions. He focuses on history, strategy, and the arts of diplomacy—skills that will be vital when the time comes for him to reclaim his kingdom. His instructors and peers know him as a quiet but keenly intelligent student, one who seems to prefer the company of books and close confidants to the social circles of the Sidonian nobility.   Despite his relatively low profile, Darath is no mere bystander to the political machinations of Sidonia. He has quietly gathered a group of close advisors, many of whom are remnants of the old Kaelderian nobility or those loyal to the Cyril cause. These men and women are his eyes and ears in the court of Sidonia, and together they plot to one day restore Kaelderen’s independence and return the Cyril family to the throne. Darath’s circle also maintains close contact with the influential clans of Belthrond, who have their own reasons for opposing the Empire and who have pledged their support when the time for rebellion comes.   Personality and Motivation Prince Darath Cyril is a man of deep introspection and calculated resolve. The loss of his father and his kingdom has left him with a profound sense of duty and an unquenchable thirst for justice. He is not driven by revenge alone; rather, he seeks to restore Kaelderen to its former glory, believing it to be his sacred duty as the last of the Cyril line. Despite his relatively sheltered upbringing, Darath is no stranger to the hardships faced by his people under imperial rule, and he is determined to end their suffering.   Though he is cautious and measured in his actions, Darath possesses a fierce inner strength. He is well aware that his quest to reclaim Kaelderen is fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he is prepared to make whatever sacrifices are necessary. His time in Sidonia has taught him the value of patience and subtlety, and he uses these lessons to his advantage, slowly building alliances and biding his time until the moment is right.   Vision for Kaelderen In Darath’s eyes, the reclamation of Kaelderen is not just a personal goal; it is a matter of restoring justice and rightful rule to a land that has suffered under imperial oppression. He envisions a Kaelderen that is free, prosperous, and governed by the principles of fairness and honor that his father upheld. To achieve this, he knows he must first unite the various factions within his homeland, earning the loyalty of the people and the respect of the ruling families.   Prince Darath Cyril’s story is one of quiet determination and unwavering resolve. While he may still be young, he carries with him the legacy of his father and the hopes of a nation. As he continues his preparations in Sidonia, the world watches and waits, knowing that the day will come when the prince will return to Kaelderen—not as a student in exile, but as a king reclaiming his throne.


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