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The Arcane Lyceum Ranks and Hierarchy

The Arcane Lyceum, renowned for its extensive magical and academic education, maintains a structured hierarchy that reflects the progression and expertise of its members. Upon acceptance, students embark on a journey of rigorous study and research, ascending through ranks that confer increasing privileges and responsibilities. The motto of the Lyceum, "Wisdom is our true guide, and ignorance our only foe," encapsulates the institution's commitment to knowledge and enlightenment.   Initiate Description: The first rank upon acceptance into the Lyceum. Privileges:
  • Access to the school grounds, dormitories, and dining facilities.
  • Enrollment in introductory classes across various disciplines.
  • Access to the basic section of the library, which contains fundamental texts and resources.
  • Duties:
  • Attend and complete introductory courses.
  • Participate in Lyceum activities and events.
  • Novice Description: Granted after two years of completed studies and exams. Privileges:
  • Access to more advanced classes and specialized lectures.
  • Expanded access to the library, including more advanced texts and resources.
  • Opportunity to join study groups and research clubs.
  • Duties:
  • Continue academic and magical studies.
  • Complete periodic assessments and projects.
  • Apprentice Description: Achieved through apprenticeship under a Savant or higher. Privileges:
  • Same privileges as Novice, with the addition of direct mentorship.
  • Participation in mentor’s research projects.
  • Duties:
  • Assist mentor with research and academic duties.
  • Undertake additional study and practical training under the mentor's guidance.
  • Savant Description: Attained after at least three years as an Apprentice, with significant research contributions. Privileges:
  • Private room with living quarters and a personal study.
  • Nearly full access to the library, except for the restricted section.
  • Ability to conduct independent research and access advanced laboratory facilities.
  • Duties:
  • Conduct and publish original research.
  • Mentor Apprentices and assist in their academic development.
  • Participate in Lyceum councils and academic boards.
  • Arcanist, Sage, Artificer Description: Differentiated by field of study. Requires significant contributions and mentoring.
  • Arcanist: Focuses on magical studies.
  • Sage: Focuses on academic disciplines like history or mathematics.
  • Artificer: Focuses on applied sciences like metallurgy or engineering.
  • Privileges:
  • Full access to the Lyceum library, including restricted texts.
  • Use of the Lyceum’s network and resources for research.
  • Access to advanced ingredients, materials, and laboratory facilities.
  • Salary and living quarters provided by the Lyceum.
  • Duties:
  • Teach classes and mentor students.
  • Conduct and publish original research.
  • Supervise Savants and Apprentices.
  • Serve on academic and administrative committees.
  • High Arcanist, Sage, Artificer Description: The pinnacle of expertise in their respective fields, marked by exceptional contributions. Privileges:
  • Higher salary and additional research funding.
  • Greater influence in Lyceum governance and decision-making.
  • Priority access to rare materials and texts.
  • Participation in high-level councils and strategic planning.
  • Duties:
  • Continue teaching and mentoring.
  • Lead significant research initiatives.
  • Advise the Grand Arcanist, Sage, or Artificer.
  • Represent the Lyceum in external academic and magical forums.
  • Grand Arcanist, Sage, Artificer Description: The highest rank, held by only one individual at a time, serving as the Headmaster of the Lyceum. Privileges:
  • Ultimate authority over Lyceum operations and strategic direction.
  • Full and unrestricted access to all Lyceum resources.
  • Command of Lyceum's administrative and academic staff.
  • Duties:
  • Oversee all academic and administrative functions of the Lyceum.
  • Ensure the Lyceum’s adherence to its motto and mission.
  • Lead the institution’s most critical research and magical projects.
  • Represent the Lyceum in international academic and magical communities.
  • Current holder: Grand Arcanist Estarriol Greybeard.

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