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The Black Sail

This tavern is located on the outskirts of Gloom's Reach, in a seedy part of town known for its criminal activity. The Black Sail is a dark and dingy place, with few windows and even fewer patrons. The tavern is run by a shady figure known only as the Captain, who is rumored to have ties to the pirate gangs that sometimes frequent Gloom's Reach. The Black Sail serves cheap ale and grog, and the food is rumored to be made from whatever scraps of meat the tavern can find. The walls are adorned with pirate flags and weapons, and the air is thick with the scent of smoke and sweat. The patrons are a rough bunch, and fights are not uncommon. Despite its unsavory reputation, the Black Sail can be a good place to find information or hire someone for a dangerous job.


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