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The Building of Mr. and Mrs. Yourma's Learning Institute

Mr. and Mrs. Yourma's Learning Institute is uniquely housed in the cozy and charming home of the Yourmas themselves. Initially intended as a temporary solution to provide education for the noble children visiting Dahlia for extended periods, the institute has thrived for over twenty years, welcoming both local and tourist children.   Exterior   The exterior of the Yourmas' home-turned-school is a delightful blend of traditional architecture and whimsical touches. Constructed from sturdy, locally-sourced stone, the house exudes a sense of timeless durability. Ivy and climbing roses cascade down the walls, their blooms adding splashes of color throughout the year. The roof, with its red clay tiles, slopes gently, creating a picturesque silhouette against the coastal landscape. Dormer windows peek out from the roof, hinting at the cozy attic spaces within.   Entrance and Courtyard   Visitors are greeted by a grand wooden door, intricately carved with scenes from halfling folklore and educational motifs. This door opens into a welcoming foyer that leads to a beautifully landscaped courtyard. The courtyard, originally designed as a private garden, now serves as an outdoor classroom and recreational area. Stone benches, shaded pergolas, and a small central fountain create a tranquil space where students gather during breaks and after classes.   Interior   Stepping inside, one is immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere of the Yourmas' home. The interior is a blend of rustic charm and functional elegance, reflecting the Yourmas' commitment to creating a nurturing learning environment within their own living space.   Classrooms   The dining room, living room, and a few additional rooms have been transformed into spacious classrooms. Large arched windows flood these rooms with natural light, creating bright and airy learning spaces. Sturdy wooden desks and chairs are arranged to facilitate both individual study and group activities. The walls are lined with bookshelves, filled with educational materials, storybooks, and reference texts. Colorful maps, student artwork, and educational posters adorn the walls, adding to the vibrant and stimulating atmosphere.   In the dining room, Mr. Yourma teaches mathematics and history. The room features chalkboards filled with equations and historical timelines, along with tactile teaching aids like abacuses and historical artifacts. The living room, now Mrs. Yourma's biology classroom, is a wonderland of natural specimens, with terrariums, potted plants, and charts depicting local flora and fauna. Tables are set up for hands-on experiments and interactive lessons.   Library and Study Areas   What was once the Yourmas' study is now a well-stocked library, offering a quiet haven for students to read and conduct research. Comfortable chairs and reading nooks encourage a love for books and learning, while large wooden tables provide ample space for group study sessions and projects.   Multi-Purpose Hall   The Yourmas' spacious living room also doubles as a multi-purpose hall. This versatile space is used for various school activities, from academic showcases and plays to community events and seasonal fairs. Equipped with a small stage, lighting, and adaptable seating arrangements, it fosters a sense of community and provides a platform for students to express their creativity and talents.   Gardens and Outdoor Spaces   The institute's grounds, originally the Yourmas' private garden, are meticulously maintained. Students engage in gardening projects, learning about plant biology and sustainability firsthand. The outdoor spaces include a small orchard, a vegetable garden, and a sensory garden designed to stimulate the senses with a variety of textures, scents, and colors.   Attic and Storage   The attic, accessible via a charming spiral staircase, is used for storage and as an additional study area. It houses historical records, seasonal decorations, and educational supplies, thoughtfully organized to ensure easy access when needed.   Mr. and Mrs. Yourma's Office   The Yourmas' office is a cozy, wood-paneled room filled with mementos from their years of teaching. A large desk, cluttered with lesson plans and student assignments, sits at one end, while comfortable chairs and a small sofa provide seating for parents and visitors.


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