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The Gavel of Judicium

The Gavel of Judicium is one of the most revered and powerful relics within the faith of Ius, the deity of justice and law. This sacred artifact is steeped in legend and held in the highest esteem by worshipers, particularly those who administer justice in the name of Ius.    Appearance   Crafted from celestial marble, the Gavel of Judicium is a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship. Its handle is smooth and cool to the touch, radiating a faint, otherworldly glow. Intricate silver inlays spiral down the handle, forming patterns of scales, gavels, and keys—each a symbol of justice, authority, and truth. The head of the gavel is slightly larger than that of a standard gavel, perfectly balanced and polished to a mirror-like finish. Etched into its surface are runes of ancient power, their meaning known only to the highest-ranking Justiciars.   The overall design is both imposing and elegant, a testament to the divine authority it represents. When held, it feels remarkably light, as if it were infused with the very essence of justice itself. Despite its apparent delicacy, it is said to be indestructible, capable of withstanding any force.   Origins and Legends   According to sacred texts, the Gavel of Judicium was fashioned by the hands of Ius himself in the early days of the civilized world. It was gifted to the first High Justiciar as a symbol of divine authority and the ultimate tool for administering justice. The legend states that the gavel was blessed with the power to silence deceit and compel the truth from even the most hardened liar.   One of the most famous tales involving the Gavel of Judicium recounts a trial where the accused, a powerful sorcerer, attempted to deceive the court with illusions and lies. When the High Justiciar struck the gavel, the sorcerer's illusions shattered, and he was forced to confess his crimes. Since then, the gavel has been seen as an infallible arbiter of truth.   Function and Usage   The Gavel of Judicium is used exclusively by the High Justiciar during significant trials and ceremonies within the Grand Temple of Justice. It is struck to commence and conclude judicial proceedings, symbolizing the beginning and end of the search for truth. When struck, the gavel emits a resonant sound that seems to reverberate not just through the air, but through the very souls of those present, compelling them to speak only the truth.   Beyond its symbolic uses, the gavel is believed to possess actual divine power. It is said that those who hear its strike are compelled to reveal their deepest truths, and that it can dispel magical illusions and lies. This makes it a crucial tool during high-profile trials where the stakes are immense, and the pursuit of justice is paramount.   Current Status   The Gavel of Judicium resides in a secure, ornately decorated vault within the Grand Temple of Justice. It is only brought out for the most important legal proceedings and religious ceremonies. The vault is guarded day and night by elite sentinels, and access is granted solely to the High Justiciar and a select few trusted aides.   Its presence at any trial is a solemn reminder of the divine nature of justice and the unwavering commitment of Ius’s followers to uphold the law. The gavel not only serves as a tool for the administration of justice but also as a powerful symbol of the ideals of fairness, integrity, and truth that lie at the heart of the faith of Ius.


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