Eru, The Yellow God Character in Araneyah | World Anvil
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Eru, The Yellow God (Eh-rue)

The Yellow God (a.k.a. God of Truth, The Earnest Heron)

Divine Domains

Life, Peace, Beauty

Holy Books & Codes

The Directionless Path   Wanderings and Beauties   Thoughts and Wishes

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Claw holding Goblet   Musical Wings   Feather in the Wind

Tenets of Faith

Be true to yourself and to others   Hardships are not the end, merely a step on an unexpected path   We cannot know the end, so enjoy the journey


Reflections Day   Night of Respite

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep Eos locked away   Witness the end of days

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He created the great wheatgrass plains and sandy beaches, for nourishment and enjoyment should be equal balances in life.   He created the Arakocra and Genasi, for they are best suited to relish the lands and opportunities.   The lands currently held by the Amber Council were once his   During the fractal wars, he and his forces succeeded in routing the airborne forces of Eos, preventing their assault on the unprotected citadel.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

He believes in personal freedom and Earnest dealings

Vices & Personality flaws

Too trusting, too easy going
Divine Classification
Date of Birth

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