Kaneko, The Violet Goddess Character in Araneyah | World Anvil
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Kaneko, The Violet Goddess (Kah-neh-koh)

The Violet Goddess (a.k.a. The Tranquil, The Flower Of Araneyah)

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Twilight

Holy Books & Codes

Book of Healing   Coda of Compassion   The Beauty Around You

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Orchid   Hands cupping a flower   Three Crosses in a Triangle

Tenets of Faith

Offer help to others who need it   Appreciate the beauty of nature   Seek peace within yourself, for that will radiate to others


Festival of Health   Summer and Winter Solstices

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep Eos trapped   Maintain the beauty of the world   Keep the peoples and living things safe from harm

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She created the flowers and night to let the creations enjoy beauty and rest.   The lands of the Orchid Shogunate were once hers.   In the fractal wars, she tended the wounded and took care of those who no longer could. Her assistance saved many lives.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

She values compassion, understanding, and supporting those who cannot help themselves

Vices & Personality flaws

Shy, Isolationist, Untrusting
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Date of Birth

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