Manducare, The Devourer Character in Araneyah | World Anvil
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Manducare, The Devourer (Man-doo-cahr)

The Devourer (a.k.a. The God of Darkness, The Consumer)

Divine Domains

Death, War, Grave, Twilight

Holy Books & Codes

Tome of Darkness   Writings of Eternity   The End is Now

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Swirling Blackness around an Eye   A Red spiral   Seven Empty Diamonds

Tenets of Faith

The ends justify the means   Let nothing stand in your way   Everything will become darkness in the end

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Kill the Chromatic Pantheon and all life on Araneyah   Become free of it's bonds   Return to Eos

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before chasing after the remains of Chromat, Eos split off a piece of it's essence, sending it into the debris caused by the cosmic battle. When the Chromatic pantheon drew the matter to them to form the world, the sliver of Eos came with it. It hid in the dark places of the world for hundreds of years, condensing its power and creating beings that shared its own malevolence for life. In the year 850, Manducare ascended to godhood and began his campaign of war on the lands of Araneyah.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Values those who take away rather than create, values strength and power

Vices & Personality flaws

Cold and unyielding, unforgiving and brutal
Divine Classification
Date of Birth

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