Sabriyya, The Indigo Goddess Character in Araneyah | World Anvil
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Sabriyya, The Indigo Goddess (Sah-brie-yah)

The Indigo Goddess (a.k.a. The Mediator, The Civil)

Divine Domains

Order, Peace

Holy Books & Codes

Book of Natural Law   Tome of the Maker   Divine Accords

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tablet and Chisel   Open Scroll   Interlocked Rings

Tenets of Faith

The rights of all should be respected   Respect the customs of those around you   Understand the world and through it, yourself


Celebration of Sentience

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep Eos' essence imprisoned   Guide the races to harmony   Show others the light of harmony

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She created the sands of the deserts and underground places of the world, seeking to create contrast from the lush creations of her siblings.   She gave law and reason to the races of Araneyah, and created the sentient races.   The lands of the Indigo league were once hers   In the fractal wars, she rallied the allied forces to her, for all life in Araneyah respected her. At her words, the armies pushed forward in the final assault against the shadowed armies.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Values law and order, seriousness, and trustworthiness

Vices & Personality flaws

Haughty, Unyielding, Too Process Oriented
Lawful Good
Date of Birth

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