Sitina, The Orange Goddess Character in Araneyah | World Anvil
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Sitina, The Orange Goddess (Sit-tee-nah)

The Orange Goddess Sitina (a.k.a. Goddess of Changes, The Great Lioness)

Divine Domains

Mischeif, Knowledge, Mind

Holy Books & Codes

Tome of Witcraft and Tongue-tying   Salacious Sensations and Mystifying Motives   Making the Most

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Winking Eye   Yarn and Paw

Tenets of Faith

Enjoy your time   Find your passion   Tease the Pleasures from Life


Mischief Night   Heathen's Eve

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep the essence of Eos locked away   Be Entertained

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She created the Kindlegem trees raised great plateaus to break up the countryside, for beauty is variety.   The races of Tabaxi and Halflings hail from her, and share in her sharpness of mind.   The lands known currently as the Kingdom of Salamandra belonged to her.   During the fractal wars, her forces snuck in behind the armies of Eos and destroyed the Eternity Sanctum, cuttin off Eos' ties to it's celestial being.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

She favors usage of wit, acts of spontaneity, and a sense of optimism

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily bored, likely to get into trouble, mischievous
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Ruled Locations

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