Xaman Ek, The Green God Character in Araneyah | World Anvil
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Xaman Ek, The Green God (Sha-mahn Ehk)

The Green God (a.k.a. The Viridean Judge, God of Growth)

Divine Domains

Unity, Nature, Protection

Holy Books & Codes

The Bonds of Community   Book of Visions   The Path Set Forth

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tree with Extending Roots   Interlocking Branches   Open Eye

Tenets of Faith

Follow the path set before you   Enhance your community   Progress your cause


Harvest Festival

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Seal Eos away   Maintain the natural order   Balance of Nature and Sentience

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He created the Ironbark Forests and populated the world with beasts to live and thrive   The race of Elves and Humans hail from him, for they too value growth and community   The lands currently held by the Emerald Empire were once his   During the fractal wars, he led the charge with his beasts, holding off the last onslaught of forces to give Cohena's army the chance to push forward.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

He favors growth and progress. He values unity

Vices & Personality flaws

Judgmental of others, Jealousy and haughtiness
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth

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