Thelorah Settlement in Aranor | World Anvil
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Refuge for the Falandian Faithful

Thelorah is a small settlement at the shores Dorland's Bay in the Kahra'Alani, and home to the first and only center of Falandian worship founded after the Curse of Falandine. Led and founded by the Aasimar Phaeydra Longstride and her husband Mortimer Longstride, Thelorah is a budding center of culture, art and knowledge within the Darian Archipelago, hosting some of the most extensive library collections of known history and old artifacts gathered throughout Aranor through the work of the Order of the Relicseekers. Though it had suffered near destruction during the Red Crusade, Thelorah was one of the few settlements to be spared complete oblivion and begin rebuilding some time later, with it's remaining archives carefully restored, preserved, and protected against future assaults.   The Printing Press was invented in Thelorah in 1204 A.F.C.. A haven for culture and scholarly research, Thelorah is home to a number of notable poets, writers, researchers and inventors from all over Aranor, seeking enlightenment and inspiration in equal measure. It is also the only settlement in all of Aranor with a sizable amount adherents to the Faith of the All-Knowing, and the only settlement to embrace and promote worship of Falandine.


  • 65% Human
  • 20% Genasi
  • 10% Half-Elf
  • 5% Halfling
  • 5% Others


The government of Thelorah is run primarily by a theocratic council composed of clergy, scholars, merchants and artists, led by the Holy Mother Phaeydra Longstride, who rules with the help the renewed Church of Falandine. Though other faiths are welcome and tolerated within Thelorah, the position of leadership is forbidden to non-Falandian adherents due to the precarious status of the faith itself.


The Silvercloaks of Thelorah are the settlement's primary defense force. Housed in Koroval Keep, a large defensive keep built after the Battle of Thelorah, it is lead by Captain Elise Kekoa.

Industry & Trade

Thelorah's exports are primarily printed books, alchemical concoctions and wood harvested from the Dorwood. As a center of culture and learning, the town attracts many scholars, apprentices, artists and artisans seeking their fortunes, resulting in a primarily service- and trade-based economy that relies on handmade artisan goods, publishing, culture, and some tourism. While it has a few farmlands for local sustenance, the bulk of Thelorah's food is imported from around the Kahra'Alani and Daria, and it's ore and other raw resources are sourced from the Deep Gnomes of Mount Ironfoot.

Points of interest

Though small, Thelorah is home to the Cathedral of Enlightenment, the only temple dedicated to Falandine on Aranor. It also holds the Grand Repository, a large library containing many artifacts and historical texts retrieved by the Order of the Relicseekers.


Thelorah lies at the mouth of the River Kairos, a freshwater river whose source runs deep within the mountains surrounding the Dorwood. It is bordered by the Dorwood to the north and the west, and Dorland's Bay to east and south.


The climate of Thelorah is mostly tropical owing to it's location within the Kahra'Alani, though it's proximity to the forests and mountains surrounding the Dorwood make it slightly cooler than the rest of the Archipelago. Thanks to the tropical climate, Thelorah is often prone to suffering spells of rainstorms and humid weather in the wet months, though the worst of these is often negated by use of magical rituals to shield the town from the most extreme dangers.
Founding Date
1199 A.F.C.
Approximately 2'100
Inhabitant Demonym
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