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24.3.1214 A.F.C

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The World of Aranor is a homebrew setting several years in the making using the DnD 5E ruleset.   It is a world whose history was lost not to the ravages of time or mortal design, but an act of divine intervention forever remembered as the Curse of Falandine after the God of Knowledge wiped clean the memories of all mortal races and burned away the vast majority of historical records that remained in whatever form they took. Awakening confused and frightened amidst broken ruins of various lost civilizations and only the vaguest grasp of who they were, the time remembered as the Age of Fear was a dark and troubled time as the mortals of Aranor struggled to understand their place in the world and what had befallen them. In time they would reconnect with their gods and rebuild upon the foundations of the old, exploring - or rediscovering - the world around them once more, as history began anew from the blank slate Falandine had set for them.   Today, a thousand years later the world of Aranor has moved on from those stumbling early days into the Age of Rediscovery which has seen mortals spreading their reach far across uncharted seas and lands once more. As some look to the future, others look to the past, hoping to discover the circumstances which led to the Curse of Falandine, searching for every scrap of lost lore that the god's mighty act left unharmed. Answers remain elusive of Falandine's intent, whether it was he who left behind the destruction the first remnants of the Forgotten Age found themselves in. Whatever the cause, it seems clear Falandine does not want for the world to remember.   No corner of Aranor was left untouched by the Curse, leaving behind mysteries of the past and long-lasting consequences upon it's future.

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