
Personal History

As one of the Primordial Gods, Achazard existed since the dawn of creation, emerging from the chaotic energies that birthed the cosmos. It embodies the essence of emotions, a manifestation of raw and untamed feelings that flow through all living beings. Achazard played a pivotal role during the time of the awakening, contributing to the formation of Ararim and infusing the world with the very essence of emotions.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Achazard takes the form of an ever-changing, amorphous blob of energy, with colors and shapes constantly shifting in response to the ebb and flow of emotions in the world. Its ethereal presence can be awe-inspiring and unsettling at the same time, as it lacks a distinct physical form but exudes an overwhelming aura of emotional power.

What do they sound like

When Achazard communicates, it does so through an ethereal chorus of voices, each voice representing a different emotion. The tones range from gentle whispers to thunderous roars, reflecting the depth and intensity of the emotions it embodies.




As a Primordial God of Emotions, Achazard's motivations revolve around maintaining the balance of emotions in the world. It seeks to preserve the intricate interplay of joy, sorrow, love, anger, and all other feelings that define sentient life. While it is considered a neutral deity, Achazard may occasionally influence events to ensure the natural order of emotions remains intact.

Personality Traits

Enigmatic Achazard's ever-shifting nature makes it difficult for mortals to fully comprehend its intentions or emotions. Empathetic Despite its unpredictable nature, Achazard is deeply attuned to the emotions of all living beings and can empathize with their struggles and joys. Passionate As the embodiment of emotions, Achazard embodies intense passion and fervor in all its actions.


Volatile Due to its ever-changing emotions, Achazard can be highly unpredictable, sometimes acting with intensity that leads to unintended consequences. Impulsive Its responses to emotional turmoil can be spontaneous and impulsive, leading to actions that may be hasty or ill-advised. Detached Despite its deep connection to emotions, Achazard can also appear detached or distant, as its understanding of feelings surpasses that of mortal beings.


Balance Achazard strives to maintain a delicate balance of emotions in the world, ensuring that no single emotion overpowers others. Acceptance It believes in embracing all emotions as valid and necessary aspects of life, fostering acceptance and understanding among beings. Growth Achazard recognizes the transformative power of emotions and encourages growth and self-awareness in sentient beings through their experiences.

Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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