Aether Saltbury

Personal History

Aether Saltbury, the Earl of Northern Valsevia, was born into a prestigious family known for its extensive interest in art literature and it's dominion over the northern border between Valsevia & The Tsari Highlands. Aether was always an intellectual being, seeking solace in conversations of philosophy, poetry, and his books rather than the typical pageantry of noble life. His world changed when he fell in love with Delina, another intellectual being with a passion for literature, poetry, and art.   Their evenings were spent immersed in discussions about the meaning behind the family's art collection, fostering a deep connection that transcended the bounds of mortality. Aether's life took a supernatural turn when he discovered Delina's true nature as a vampire. Despite initial concerns, their love blossomed, and Aether willingly embraced the vampiric existence, vowing to feed only on sustainable sources of blood.   However, their happiness was short-lived. Aether's uncle, driven by a desire for power and to disgrace his nephew, intervened. Chaining Delina to a day bed, he subjected her to the burning rays of the morning sun. Aether suffered a similar fate, staked to a coffin and sealed away in a tomb beneath the lake. There, he remains surrounded by the opulence of his noble past, a haunting reminder of the life he left behind.

Physical Descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Aether boasts a distinctive appearance with his late 20s thin frame, fair skin, and curly black hair that frames his face. His piercing blue eyes exude intellect and curiosity, complemented by a strong jawline and high cheekbones. Despite his ethereal nature, Aether's attire reflects the fashion of his noble lineage, adorned with clothing befitting an Earl.  


Concealed Items

Aether carries with him a concealed journal filled with thoughts and reflections from his mortal and vampire life. It serves as a silent witness to the profound changes he has undergone and the memories he wishes to preserve.  


What do they sound like

Aether's voice is melodic, bearing the refinement of his noble upbringing. It holds a certain melancholy, reflecting the weight of his immortal existence and the memories of a love lost.  




Aether is motivated by a desire to redefine the perception of vampires, inspired by Delina's vision for peaceful coexistence. He yearns to bridge the gap between mortal and immortal worlds, breaking free from the stereotypes that have plagued vampires for centuries.  


Personality Traits

Aether is an intellectual being with a deep appreciation for literature, art, and meaningful conversation. He values knowledge and seeks to use his newfound existence to contribute positively to both mortal and vampire societies.  



Haunted by the betrayal of his uncle and the loss of Delina, Aether battles with a lingering sense of melancholy. He struggles to reconcile the nobility of his past with the harsh reality of his undead existence.  



Aether holds onto the idealistic belief that vampires can coexist harmoniously with mortals, rejecting the predatory nature often associated with his kind. He strives for a world where intellect and compassion prevail.  



Aether's strongest bond is with the memory of Delina, the vampire who opened his eyes to a new way of existence. He is driven by the hope that their shared vision for a different vampire narrative can one day become a reality.  

Year of Birth
2341 121 Years old
Curly Black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
6ft 3"
Deneir, god of writing


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