
Transmission & Vectors

Arcana-pox or a spell plague is an airborne disease that infects it's host through being inhaled or skin contact


The original case is unclear however arcana-pox is contracted through fatigued spellcasters over-exerting themselves in the pursuit of magic.


Glowing verdant green lesions on the skin, a high fever, excessive hair, and nail growth. If left untreated can develop into hysteria, insomnia and in it's final stages hallucinations and surges in arcane energy.


The infected must remain away from all sources of magical energy, stripped of all magical items or anything that emits a magical essence nor spells be cast in their presence.
cool mud baths are typically the best remedy to bring the temperature down and ground the magical energy nullifying it from the body.


The Lesions will slowly begin to course their way across the body, elevated temperatures begin to ensue as well as a shortening of temper, as the lesions begin to blister and burst the patient often has great difficulty sleeping and insomnia develops into hysteria and hallucinations. Finally the overflowing arcane energy begins to violently disperse from the victim erupting in destructive waves of arcane energy - further spreading the disease and severely damaging everything in it's path. Rarely does an individual survive the later stages of the disease.

Affected Groups

Any and all arcane spell casters are susceptible to the disease, but it does take a few key conditions to be met to bring on a bout of Arcana-Pox.
The environment must be warm and or humid
There must be a strong source of ley energy nearby
A spellcaster is typically fatigued before contracting the disease

Hosts & Carriers

All arcane casters innately carry the receptors
The disease is likely held within a matrix of the weave, but scholars are still unsure of it's exact origin.


If Arcana-pox has been within an area in the last thirty days and you cannot avoid the area, it is advised that you cover your skin completely and cover your airways. The energy dissipates when grounded so washing in mud is highly advised.
Strictly no spell-casting within thirty days of an outbreak and all magic items are to be stored in lead-lined boxes.
The additional magical energy in the area can attract monsters so it is important to remove the threat of Arcana-pox as quickly as possible.
Torchlight imbued with Ink Oil will burn green in the presence of Arcana-pox and is the best measure to understand the presence of the disease.


Frivolous spell casting in areas of highly potent ley energy is often the starting point of Arcana-pox, however, it can quickly spread through a population if left unchecked.
It thrives in warmth and or moist environments and is very problematic if contracted by non-magical folk as the excess energy can be a catalyst for later stages of the disease.


The origins are said to be a lasting curse of a dying god. An ever-enduring reminder of their power and desire to enforce their will on any magic user

Cultural Reception

In some cultures, it is seen as a clear lack of control and you may be shunned from society- in others a proud mark of one who pushes the boundaries.
In any case, all civilized societies that know of the devastating effects the disease, quickly isolate any who bear the symptoms and in rare cases "remove" them permanently from the population to lessen the spread of the disease.
Player contraction conditions
Must be in a warm and or moist area (DC higher if in both)
Must be in an area known for being rich in magical energy
Rolls a nat one on a spell
Fails an INT check - DC 10 + conditions
Chronic, Acquired


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