Auril, goddess of winter Organization in Ararim | World Anvil

Auril, goddess of winter

Auril is a fickle, vain, evil deity with a heart of ice who is venerated primarily out of fear. She remains untouched by any hint of true love, noble feeling, or honour. She enjoys toying with those who offend her, trapping them in snow storms, and then driving them insane with tantalising visions of warmth and the comforts of home before freezing them to death. Her beauty is cold and deadly, the flower of womanhood preserved forever in a slab of arctic ice-- with sensibilities to match the ice.

She is most often painted as a grown adult female with light-blue or white skin and white hair, her body formed from shards of ice and ever swirling motes of snow around her fingers and feet.

Holy Day
Midwinter (Night), 30th of Glaciernact. This is the most holy night of the year for the clergy, a festival of ice-dancing that lasted all night. The Coming Storm and the Last Storm, informal but enthusiastically celebrated rituals where the priests gathered and called howling ice storms down on a region to mark the onset and end of winter.

Commandments of Auril
  • A journey as pure as snow
  • A heart as hard as ice
  • A wrath as cold as the winds of the howling north
Alternative Names
The Cold Maiden, Frostmaiden, Icedawn, Goddess of Winter


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