Automations Species in Ararim | World Anvil


Basic Information


Automations can be made up of any number of limbs, heads bodies or parts.
But at the core of all automatons is their essence the soul that has fused them to their mechanical body, some prefer to take a form similar to that they had in life others were drawn to an automated body without any prior knowledge of what the world was like.
The core of an Automaton is made of it's soul and it's memory archives.

Genetics and Reproduction

Automations do not reproduce in the traditional sense but will pair bond to physically create a new being.
The rarest and most difficult resources are required to build the core of an automation so new automations are rare to find.
It is possible for an automation to create a new automation on their own and some may do this if they have a feeling of being incredibly lonely, but it is often a way of two automations showing their desire to nurture a new automation.

Growth Rate & Stages

An automation does not grow, the stages of their life are measured by their acomplishments and their ability to impart new knowledge unto others.

Ecology and Habitats

Automations are most comfortable in large cities or built-up areas. Most do not like to be out in the elements for fear of coming into contact with corossive organic matter. There are some nomadic automatons but they are few and usually live in cave networks with access to minerals and veils of ore to reforge broken parts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An automation does not require food, water, air or sleep. However they do require routine maintenance and repair, while it is not as frequent as their organic counterparts it is just as important for this reason it is rare to find an automation far from a repair centre.

Biological Cycle

The automations do not have a biological cycle however their parts will wear down from time to time, which requires maintenance. Most automations know their maintenance cycles and keep to them routinely, if an automation begins to decay it can be a sign that they no longer wish to live in this world or there is a malfunction in their system.
Most automations have a perpetual movement that functions next to their core, so provided they remain active their movement will continue to function, there is an emergancy winding mechanism but most automations see this as embarassing if they have to be rewound.


Automations view the world more mathematically than their organic counterparts, they can be seen as cruel or calculated but they simply look at the statistics and the percentage chance of success or failure and act accordingly.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Most have a voice box for communicating as well as sensory nodes for sight and hearing. Most are in a similar position to humans to assist in assimilating within society - but some find more advanced mechanisms more beneficial so look widely different from their human counterparts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly found in major cities or built-up areas, places where they are able to find parts readily and not be in danger of breaking down.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most Automatons have the ability to hear, see and use a synthetic understanding of smell which is used to warn them of any present danger. Some have adapted a similar sense for taste if they have aspired to become a chef or aid in culinary pursuits and most have touch receptors.
Some have modified their bodies to include psionics, telekinesis, echolocation and other extrasensory capabilities but that is up to the automation and their desires.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Automations often pay homage to the metals they are made of or the intricate gearing that forms their inner workings. Some only have singular names others have lengthy titles and further still those that continuously improve on themselves may use numbers to represent which iteration of working form they are currently.


Sub-races of automations forged their way into the world deep under the mountains of Ararim, they quickly came together and began to craft and create a great underground city. From here they expanded seeking new minds to help further improve and grow their knowledge, now they are common place in other large cities especially those with keen minds and or a love of tinkering.
Scientific Name
Potentially infinite
Average Height
Depends completely on the creator. Most prefer smaller stature as it requires less maintenance.
Average Weight
Most weigh upwards of 40kg
Average Physique
Most automations vary but it is common for them to take a clockwork version of their favorite species, therefore a lot a bi-pedal and many imitate humans, elves, and other prominent species.


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