
Basic Information


They are long of limb and covered in coarse hair, with wedge-shaped ears and pointed teeth. Despite their formidable build, bugbears are quiet skulkers, thanks to a fey magic that allows them to hide in spaces seemingly too small for them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bugbears typically birth their live young after a gestation period of 7 months. Often having a litter of 3 to 6 children at a time.

Growth Rate & Stages

Bugbears reach adulthood by 16 and continue to live into their 80s

Ecology and Habitats

Bugbears are natural skulkers and prefer to find the quiet and dark spaces of Ararim to live. In cities this is often underground and in nature, they find cave networks, tunnels and abandoned lairs of other larger creatures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bugbears eat a balanced diet of cooked meats, vegetables and fruits - they are often scavengers and are happy to eat most food that comes their way.

Biological Cycle

As bugbears age their bottom tusks will continue to grow as does the hair around their ears and eyebrows - this is typically seen as an impressive sign of age.
As a bugbear approaches it's twilight years it's fur will begin to get darker at the tips


Bugbears prefer to live in packs, gangs or small families or even alone but being alone is not their preference.
This isolationist behaviour does aggravate some more social bugbears but this is their typical existence. Bugbears enjoy objects of functional finery - examples of this may be enchanted weapons or fine armaments. If they feel they are able to steal it they will, but will only resort to violence if needed - bugbears with a conscious will leave their old weapons in exchange for the ones they steal.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Bugbears have short stunted noses, long hairy ears and slit pupil eyes.
They have a set of tusks that protrude from their bottom lip and it is common for both males and females to have facial hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Bugbears are often found in sewer networks, underground tunnel networks or shady areas of a city - not always for nefarious reasons, but because it reflects a habitat that they enjoy. Sadly the influence of other ner do wells in these parts does affect the overall image of bugbears.
Nature-dwelling bugbears will burrow into the ground and create a lair exiting at night to hunt and seek further resources. Bugbears enjoy living close to civilised society as they view caravans as wonderful sources of food, weapons and supplies and if they are sneaky enough no blood need be spilled.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Bugbears share the same senses as most humanoids with the addition of darkvision.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A bugbear is given a name at two years of age - the name is typically formed from their activities up until this point. A determined and driven child may called. Strong Mind or (Kug'large in their tongue) while a lazy dreamer may be called exactly that.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bugbears mostly converse in Common Tongue and city dwellers may speak further languages.


Bugbears feature in the nightmare tales of many races — great, hairy beasts that creep through the shadows as quietly as cats. If you walk alone in the woods, a bugbear will reach out of the bushes and strangle you. If you stray too far from the house at night, bugbears will scoop you up to devour you in their den. If a bugbear cuts off your head, your soul stays trapped inside, and the bugbears use your head to magically command all whom you once knew.

These tales are mostly far from the truth, by nature they are scavengers. Their seeds took root in the deep dark soil below ground - the original bugbears scavenged scraps of armour and made crude tools and weapons for survival. Opting to quietly avoid major conflict where possible and upgrade their weapons through the delicate removal of greater weapons, armour and supplies from unfortunate victims.
This thievery is still common place among bugbears who see it more as an opportunistic and involuntary trade than "stealing".
Scientific Name
Cimex Ursara
80 years
Average Height
180cm - 220cm
Average Weight
110kg to 150kg
Average Physique
A bugbear has long gangly limbs with powerful arms and softly padded quiet feet, which given them great reach and soft footfalls, perfect for sneaking.
They have hair that covers their body and keeps them warm in cold conditions and keeps the heat off their skin in the heat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur is typically shades of brown, red, yellow, blue and green.


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