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Personal History

Draxis the Sly, as he is known in the underworld, is a cunning and resourceful elf who has made a name for himself in the illegal trade of wizarding goods. Born in the bustling city of Narathil, Draxis was orphaned at a young age and learned to survive by his wits and quick hands. He discovered his talent for magic early on but found the strict regulations and rigid structures of legal wizardry stifling. Instead, he turned to the black market, where his skills and knack for acquiring rare magical items earned him both wealth and notoriety.   Draxis is known to frequent Kapas Kabana, where he conducts his business under the watchful eyes of the desert outlaws. He is a master of disguise and subterfuge, often changing his appearance to evade authorities and rival traders. Despite his criminal dealings, Draxis adheres to a personal code: he never deals in artifacts that could cause mass destruction, believing that some lines should never be crossed.

Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Draxis is a tall, lean elf with sharp, angular features and piercing blue eyes that seem to see through lies. His long, silver hair is often hidden under a hood or hat, and his skin is a pale gold, typical of his high-elven heritage. Draxis dresses in a mix of practicality and style, favoring dark, muted colors that help him blend into the shadows. His usual attire includes a well-worn leather coat with numerous hidden pockets, sturdy boots, and fingerless gloves. He wears a variety of magical trinkets and amulets, each with a different protective charm or enchantment.

Concealed Items

Draxis always carries a concealed dagger with a poison-coated blade, hidden within his boot for emergencies. He also has a small pouch of invisibility dust, a rare and expensive item that allows him to vanish without a trace for a short period. Additionally, Draxis keeps a magical lockpick set, capable of opening nearly any lock, and a small, enchanted mirror that alerts him to the presence of magical surveillance.

What do they sound like

Draxis has a smooth, confident voice with a slight elven accent. He speaks softly but clearly, his words often laced with a hint of sarcasm or amusement. His tone is usually calm and measured, but there is an underlying edge that suggests he is not to be trifled with. When negotiating deals, Draxis’s voice takes on a persuasive, almost hypnotic quality, drawing listeners into his web of charm and deceit.



Draxis is motivated by a desire for wealth and the thrill of outsmarting others. He enjoys the challenge of acquiring rare and valuable items, especially those that are considered illegal or forbidden. Draxis also harbors a deep-seated resentment towards the established magical authorities who shunned him, driving his desire to undermine their control by distributing powerful magical artifacts to those outside their influence.

Personality Traits

Draxis is clever, resourceful, and charismatic. He is a natural leader who can easily sway others to his cause. Despite his criminal activities, Draxis is loyal to those who earn his trust and is known to keep his promises. He has a quick wit and a sharp tongue, often using humor to defuse tense situations. Draxis is also highly adaptable, able to think on his feet and change his plans at a moment’s notice.


Draxis’s arrogance and overconfidence often lead him to take unnecessary risks. He underestimates his enemies and overestimates his abilities, which can land him in dangerous situations. His disdain for authority makes it difficult for him to work with others who do not share his rebellious outlook. Additionally, Draxis’s deep-seated desire for revenge against the magical authorities sometimes clouds his judgment, causing him to make impulsive decisions.


Draxis believes in freedom and autonomy, valuing the right of individuals to make their own choices without interference from higher powers. He holds a deep respect for knowledge and innovation, often seeking out new magical techniques and technologies. Draxis also believes in a code of honor among thieves, emphasizing loyalty and trust within his network of contacts and allies.

Items for sale

Draxis's current inventory includes:
  • **Wand of Misguiding:** A finely crafted wand that can cast the spell spells up to 3rd level with subtly changing 1 letter of choice of the caster. The wand has 3 chargers remaining.
  • **Cloak of Shadows:** A dark, enchanted cloak that grants the wearer advantage on stealth checks and the ability to blend into shadows.
  • **Book of the Broken:** Contains three random necromantic spells, stolen from an Oligarch from the Blightfel
  • **Spellbook of Evocation:** An ancient spellbook containing two rare spells written in Aragite.
  • **Amulet of Arcane Protection:** An amulet that grants resistance to one school of magical damage and an advantage on saving throws against these spell types.
  • [container] The item is cursed and gives you a random vulnerability at dawn to two other schools of magic.
  • **Potion of Invisibility:** A potion that grants the drinker temporary invisibility for up to one hour.
  • **Ring of Spell Storing:** A ring that can store up to three levels of spells, allowing the wearer to cast them at a later time.
  • **Mystic Lockbox:** A small, enchanted lockbox that can only be opened by a specific incantation known only to Draxis.
  • **Elixir of Mana Regeneration:** A rare potion that rapidly restores magical energy, allowing the drinker to regain spell slots.
  • Draxis is always on the lookout for new and interesting items, and he is willing to trade or purchase rare artifacts from those who have something valuable to offer.


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