Duke of the Tides

Land and Wealth

The domain of the Shoreline Duke, also referred to as the Duke of the Tides, stretches across a diverse landscape. It encompasses the central woodlands, rolling hills to the southwest, the vital road leading north, and most importantly, a vast stretch of coastline. This strategic location grants the Duke control over a powerful navy, a thriving fishing industry, and the riches of the surrounding seas. Additionally, the Duchy boasts woodlands for lumber production, and even holds some small mining operations in the western hills. Notably, the capital city falls outside the Duke's direct control, remaining under the sole purview of the sovereign.

Economic interests

The Shoreline Duke presides over a flourishing maritime economy. The Duchy's impressive navy ensures the safety of its vast fishing fleets, bringing in a constant bounty from the surrounding seas. The woodlands contribute to the Duchy's wealth through lumber production, while the mining operations in the hills provide a steady stream of valuable resources. The strategic location, with its vital north road and access to the capital, positions the Duke for lucrative trade opportunities, further solidifying the Duchy's economic power.

Privilege and Duties

The Shoreline Duke holds a position of immense privilege due to the Duchy's strategic location and economic strength. However, this privilege comes with significant responsibilities. The Duke is tasked with maintaining a powerful navy to defend the coastline, ensuring the safety of trade routes and protecting the lucrative fishing industry. Additionally, the north road, a vital artery for commerce and travel, requires constant vigilance. While the capital city itself lies outside the Duke's direct control, maintaining a strong relationship with the sovereign is crucial, as their favor often determines who inherits the coveted title of Shoreline Duke.
Form of Address
Your grace
Source of Authority
The Soverign of Valsevia


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