
Basic Information


Firbolgs are tall hairy humanoids that have flat noses and have facial features that resemble goats or deer.

Genetics and Reproduction

Firbolgs reproduce the same as humans the only difference is in the gestation period, given their fey heritage gestation periods align with a fey cycle. So it could be as short as 2 months or as long as a year.

Growth Rate & Stages

A firbolg reaches adulthood around 30, and the oldest of them can live for 500 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Firbolgs spend most of their life in forest habitats, they are comfortable in both hot and cold climates and prefer to respect the nature around them, bending trees over time to form their homes or settling in long dead trees and then shaping their homes out of the dead limbs and grow grafting moss to renew life.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Firbolgs can eat meat, but prefer a vegan diet where possible. Often cultivating mushrooms, herbs and root vegetables for stews and tea.

Biological Cycle

As firbolgs age the tips of their fur becomes white and they usually reduce slightly in height.


Firbolgs are very peaceful and rarely resort to violence. If a peaceful solution isn't possible they will usually request the aid of larger woodland creatures to subdue the threat to forest and only engage if they feel they are able to assist.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Firbolg commonly have deer and goat like features, with flatter noses and in some cases antlers or horns.
Their eyes can have rectangular pupils but not always, and their face is often covered in a soft coat of fur.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Firbolg are found in large forests and areas of great natural beauty.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the traditional humanoid senses as well as an acute ability to feel nature and communicate simple ideas with flora and fauna.
A Firbolg can tell if a tree or plant is in distress better than most botanists, and communicate concerns of critters and wildlife.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Firbolgs are often named after plants and animals or parts of a tree.
As Firbolgs meet other species some of their naming conventions have been adopted.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most Firbolg speak Common Tongue, Elvish and @gian


As caretakers of the land, firbolgs found peace in the forests of Ararim and this is where they prefer to remain. Out of sight and out of mind. They don’t try to dominate nature, but rather seek to ensure that it prospers and survives according to its own laws.

  Firbolgs use their magic to keep their presence in a forest secret. This approach allows them to avoid the politics and struggles of the forest's other inhabitants. Such events concern the firbolgs only when the events affect the forest.

  Even in the face of an intrusion, firbolgs prefer a subtle, gentle approach to prevent damage to their territory. They employ their magic to make the forest an unappealing place to explore by temporarily diverting springs, driving away game, stealing critical tools, and altering trails to leave hunting or lumber parties hopelessly lost. The firbolgs’ presence is marked by an absence of animals and a strange quiet, as if the forest wishes to avoid attracting attention to itself. The faster travelers decide to move on, the better.

  If these tactics fail, the firbolgs take more direct action. Their observations of a settlement determine what happens next. If the outsiders seem peaceful, the firbolgs approach and gently ask them to leave, even offering food and other supplies to aid their departure. If those who insist on remaining respect nature, take only what they need, and live in harmony with the wood, firbolgs explore the possibility of friendship with them, as long as the outsiders vow to safeguard the forest. If the settlers clearly display evil intentions, however, the firbolgs call on the forest and it's natural inhabitants to overwhelm the intruders.
Scientific Name
Furvus Bolra
500 years
Average Height
2m - 2.6m
Average Weight
78kg - 190kg
Average Physique
They are often tall and lanky, but while their limbs are long they are still quite powerful.
Firbolg are naturally imbued with magical capabilities and will often reduce their size to be less threatening.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Firbolgs fur is often in shades of blue, green, purple and brown. However, due to their diet or surroundings, they can come in many other colours also.


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