Genasi Species in Ararim | World Anvil


Basic Information


Genasi are humanoid creatures, their muscle structure is similar to other humanoids but their skin and hair resemble more of their elemental nature.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genasi give birth to live young - they gestate for around 8 months before giving birth or in rare events of great elemental force a genasi may be produced.

Growth Rate & Stages

Genasi grow reaching adolescence by the age of 8 and are fully developed adults by the age of 22 and live to around 110 - 130 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Genasi inhabit areas similar to their elemental alignment, for example, a fire genasi found in wintery mountains is unlikely to be there by their own choice.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Genasi are omnivorous and enjoy a balanced diet.

Biological Cycle

As genasi age their markings become more prominent and the pigmentation of their skin more vibrant. A sign of an adult genasi is a fully formed set of markings and a bold colour.
This does dull with age however the markings will remain as they were when they became an adult.


Genasi typically adopt the behavioral norms of the society they call home. There are only a few tribes of genasi in Ararim and most are scattered in major cities where their colourful skin and elemental appearance raise but a few eyebrows.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The physical characteristics of genasi change dependant on the are they grow up in, their facial structures alter with the landscape around them.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Genasi gravitate towards their elemental pairings, but some also call villages and towns their home.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the same senses as a human. All have dark vision and unique traits based on their elemental pairing.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Genasi naming traditions are usually in line with the element that they were born from.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Genasi innately speak Primordial and often learn the native tongue of those around them.


The seeds carrying the elemental Genasi sought out the fires of volcanoes, the waters of rivers and seas, the air of mountain tops, and the earth of caves and fields.
Genasi grew popular among crafts that required their skills and from here genasi began to scatter themselves among the population of Aararim.
Genasi are happy to inhabit towns and villages and work with their given elemental gifts to further enhance the lives of those around them.
Some genasi prefer to spend their times in nomadic groups wandering areas that are rich with their elemental traits.
Scientific Name
Elementrus Civisium
120 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Depending on their origin
Air - 63kg
Fire - 72kg
Earth - 106kg
Water - 82kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their natural colourations intertwine with their base element.


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