Geralf Saltbury

Personal History

Count Geralf Saltbury, the venerable patriarch of the esteemed Saltbury lineage, has witnessed the passage of centuries in the Lakewood region. Born into nobility, Geralf's early years were marked by the splendor of the Lakewood estate and the responsibilities that came with being the heir to the family legacy. Over the years, he steered the Saltbury name through the ebb and flow of societal changes, upholding the family's reputation for grace, intellect, and a love for the arts.  


Physical Descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Count Geralf, in his elderly state, exudes a regal air with a thin frame and fair, weathered skin. His once raven-black hair has silvered with age, and his piercing blue eyes carry the weight of wisdom accumulated over the centuries. Despite the passage of time, Geralf's attire remains a testament to the dignified fashion of a nobleman, reflecting the deep-rooted traditions of the Lakewood estate.  


Concealed Items

Count Geralf holds dear a concealed pocket watch, a family heirloom passed down through generations. This intricate timepiece serves as a symbol of the timeless legacy he stewards, a reminder of the enduring Saltbury lineage.  


What do they sound like

Geralf's voice carries a melodic timbre, resonating with the echoes of bygone eras. It holds a gentle authority, a reflection of the countless decisions and responsibilities he has shouldered throughout his lengthy tenure as the Count of Lakewood.  




Count Geralf is motivated by a deep-rooted commitment to preserving the honor and heritage of the Saltbury name. His unwavering dedication extends beyond personal glory, aiming to ensure that the Lakewood estate remains a beacon of refinement and culture for generations to come.  


Personality Traits

Geralf is an intellectual being, carrying a profound appreciation for literature, art, and the cultural tapestry woven by the Saltbury family over centuries. His discerning taste and commitment to education have left an indelible mark on the Lakewood estate.  



The weight of time has left Geralf with a sense of melancholy, a recognition of the transience of mortal life. Despite his stoic exterior, he grapples with the inevitable passage of time and the challenges it poses to the continuity of the Saltbury legacy.  



Count Geralf upholds the ideals of nobility, emphasizing the importance of grace, intellect, and cultural pursuits. His vision extends beyond the Lakewood estate, aspiring to contribute to a society where knowledge and refinement flourish.  



Geralf's strongest bond lies with the ancestral home of Lakewood and the lineage he has shepherded. The estate, with its extensive art collection and cultural significance, serves as a testament to his life's work and the generations that have thrived under his stewardship.  

  Count Geralf Saltbury stands as a living chronicle of Lakewood's history, a guardian of tradition and refinement in a world that constantly evolves. As the venerable Count navigates the twilight of his existence, the Lakewood estate remains a testament to his enduring commitment to the ideals that have defined the Saltbury lineage for centuries.
Short grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6ft 2"
Ioun, the Knowing Mentor


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