
Basic Information


Grung are small bi-pedal creatures with long slimy limbs, their legs are powerful and used to leap great heights and their arms are sinewy with a small upper muscle structure but powerful forearms which they use to grip and pull themselves up trees with. Their pectoral and abdominal structure changes depending on their ethnicity which will adapt to their surroundings. Some Grung are more migrational and therefore smaller, lighter, and stronger while others who are in villages can grow and become larger and more toadlike. Their features resemble frogs and toads and often have patterned camouflage.

Genetics and Reproduction

Grung breed in clutches of eggs that hatch in hatching pools which are found at the base of their tree-dwelling villages.
Grung are fiercely defensive of these pools and while many eggs are laid only a few may hatch at a time.
Once hatched these tadpoles are carefully transported to stream pool, the young are watched over as they grow until they are able to swim and pull themselves from the water.

Growth Rate & Stages

After three months the eggs will hatch into tadpoles and after another six to nine months a juvenile grung will emerge from stream pools. From here a grung will begin it's life and duties, reaching full physical maturity by the age of one and living till around fifty years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Grung are tree dwelling creatures with large villages that connect via rope bridges. If trees are 5 meters or less apar Grung typically do not build rope bridges as they are able to leap that distance comfortably.
This is annoying for visitors but in that event they will usually accommodate with a swinging vine.
The common environment for a grung will be moist and densely vegetated with streams of fresh water and tall trees to build their homes in.
Some grung are nomadic but they will always be found near pools of fresh water as they require hydration at least once a day for an hour but it is common for grung to spend many hours in watering holes relaxing with each other.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Grung live on a balanced diet of insects, small flying creatures, fish, moss, herbs and root vegetables.
They pride themselves on their ability to whip food out of the air with their long tongues and mostly eat raw.

Biological Cycle

As grung age the colouration of their skin will begin to fade and their camouflaging becomes more prominent.
Provided they remain active, it is common for a grung to live well into their fifties but eventually they will lay to rest.


Grung are nocturnal creatures and often spend their days lounging in pools of water, socialising with each other.
They can work during the heat of the day but prefer not to, opting for the cooler conditions of an evening to go about thier business.
Grung are proud of what they are able to do and see themselves as a unique race, they are happy to converse with other races and aid others move through their territories.
Grung seek partnership and friendship first before however if an opposing force enters their territory they rarely show immediate aggression, a grungs skin is coated in a thin layer of mucus that is poisonous. Some local plants and wildlife have adapted to this and even feed off the excess mucus they leave behind, but most foreign entities that come into contact with it quickly become lathargic and eventually wither from their former strength.
The grung know this and will often patiently wait out their opposers and strike once they're weakened.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Grung typically have large round faces and short necks.
Two big eyes that have a secondary clear membrane that gives them clear vision underwater.
Two breathing holes centered around their nasal area and sets of holes on the side of their head that they use to hear the world around them.
Their mouths are large and their throat can extend out quite far as they use it to circulate air to form words and it will extend if they've consumed large prey.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Grung are found close to stagnant water and swampy areas, rivers and waterways with tall trees they can build their homes in.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Grung have large eyes with clear membranes that roll over their eyes keeping them consistently moist and also protecting their eyes under water. This membrane is quite hardy and also regenerative.
They have the standard suite of senses including, touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Grungs are given a birth name after they emerge from the pools and begin to walk on land.
it is common for grung to only have one name and the last name be that of their clan.
Their names are often in association with symbols of influence around their surroundings. A good example would be Mud Flower of the Gruk - they have been named of something pretty and something that sustains that beauty and their clan is the Gruk clan.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Grung speak Croakaese with each other, they do enjoy learning languages from passing travelers and it is common for a few of them to know words or complete languages.


The grung found homes in misty jungles, swampy marshes and stagnant waterholes. The first of them scattered by the Truculentus-corum seeds that gave birth to many of the mysterious races of Ararim.
As they adapted to their environment many grung began to identify as clans and tribes, their areas marked by flowers they imbued with the poison they secrete from their skin. A simple sign to other grung of the territory they are in, and a pretty but potent display of ground for strange travellers.
Grungs are known primarily as territorial but peaceful beings, they see no reason to harm others provided they seek no harm on them, there have been many instances though where other races have tried to claim their territory and after many months of sickness and lethargy have either yielded to the grung or died in the process.
The difficulty with removing grung from an area is their natural ability to blend in with their surroundings, their small stature and quick tongues that can whip a meal directly out of the air.

Scientific Name
50 years
Average Height
30cm to 80cm
Average Weight
9kg - 22kg
Average Physique
It is common for grung to be squat creatures with large bellies, powerful hind legs for jumping and large forearms for gripping and climbing.
They have tongues that can extend as far as 1.5 - 2m in length and they use this to pull prey from the air around them.
Two large eyes that sit around the edges of their face which allows them to perceive much of the world around them.
Their hands and feet are webbed which assists them to swim around and climb.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Grungs coloration depends on their environment but they are often seen in shades of green, blue, brown, and purple. Some grung obtain variant pigments due to the diet that their parents ate while breeding their clutch. These varients are acknowledged for what they are but not seen as blessings, curses or signs of any divine intervention. Just simple a reflection of nature.


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