Kiberkai Swift

Personal History

Kiberkai Swift's personal history is shrouded in mystery, as is common among nomadic merchants of the desert. Rumor has it that he was born into a lineage of gnome traders, inheriting the art of bartering and the love for exploration from his ancestors. From a young age, Kiberkai developed a deep understanding of the desert's trade routes and mastered the art of survival in the harsh environment. His nomadic existence and knowledge of the desert's secrets have made him a revered figure among those seeking a guide.

Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Kiberkai Swift stands at a mere three feet tall, adorned with weathered features that speak of countless journeys through the sands. His hair, once a vibrant red, has now turned a silvery gray, reflecting the wisdom gained from years of desert travel. He wears a tattered robe woven from desert-dyed fabrics, with intricate patterns reminiscent of the shifting dunes. A billowing sheet curls over his hair, while his sturdy leather sandals protect his feet from the unforgiving sands.

Concealed Items

Among the various items Kiberkai carries, his most prized possession is a small, intricately crafted wooden chest. This is no ordinary chest, it is enchanted and with just three taps it shifts into a small pop-up shop from which Kiberkai conducts his trade and business. Kiberkai guards this chest closely, its contents serving as both a testament to his journey and a means of securing future trades and connections.

What they sound like

When Kiberkai speaks, his voice is reminiscent of the whispering desert wind. His words carry the cadence of a seasoned storyteller, reflecting the diverse cultures and languages he has encountered throughout his travels. The tone of his voice holds a warm, inviting quality, drawing in listeners as he weaves tales of ancient civilizations and the wonders of the desert.



Kiberkai Swift's nomadic lifestyle is driven by his passion for connecting people through trade and exchange. He thrives on fostering relationships with other desert dwellers, both city folk and those more nomadic, acting as a bridge between their communities and the wider world. His presence brings not only valuable goods but also stories, news, and a sense of unity. Kiberkai finds fulfillment in facilitating trade, enriching lives, and creating a sense of camaraderie among the diverse cultures he encounters. He is also a shrewd businessman and does not involve himself in any lawmaking or lawbreaking, but he is always happy to sell a sword or two to anyone who is need and he means anyone.


He worries about losing his way amidst the shifting dunes, cut off from the very communities he seeks to connect. However, he faces these fears with determination, relying on his knowledge of the desert and his strong relationships with the desert tribes.

Passions / hobbies / pets

In his rare moments of respite, Kiberkai indulges in his love for storytelling. Gathering around a campfire, he captivates his listeners with tales of mythical creatures, legendary traders, and the history of the desert itself. He is also an avid collector of desert artifacts, carefully selecting and preserving unique items to add to his growing collection. Though he travels alone, Kiberkai has formed a bond with a loyal desert fox named Sylph, who accompanies him on his journeys, serving as both a companion and a scout.

Items he has for sale

Potion of Healing: This magical potion can restore a moderate amount of hit points when consumed. Value: 50 gold pieces (gp).
  Cloak of Elvenkind: This enchanted cloak grants the wearer advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and makes it easier to move silently. Value: 500 gp.
  Bag of Holding: A mystical bag with a larger interior space than its exterior dimensions, allowing for the storage of a significant amount of items. Value: 1,000 gp.
  +1 Longsword: This finely crafted longsword has been magically enhanced, granting a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Value: 1,500 gp.
  Pearl of Power: This shimmering pearl, when grasped and activated, restores expended spell slots to a spellcaster. Value: 1,000 gp.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1986 476 Years old
Dark grey
wiry grey and white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Heavily tanned and sun damaged
3ft tall
Wiry and strong


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