Kobolds Species in Ararim | World Anvil


Basic Information


Kobolds are bi-pedal draconic creatures, small in stature but still have the same distinctive draconic detailing, with horns and tails and even some rarer kobolds called urds have wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kobolds like their draconic kin lay eggs, as the eggs mature they become pigmented demonstrating the colour of the kobold that is growing inside. Eggs need to be kept very warm to hatch and it is common to see the eggs in or around fire.
Kobolds will typically lay a clutch of 3 - 7 eggs these eggs will hatch after around three to six months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once a kobold hatches they reach physical maturity by 6 years of age and can live up to 120 years of age if its impulses don't get the better of them first. It is unfortunately common for kobolds to die in their 20s and 30s due to unnecessarily brave acts of heroism, it is widely speculated that this trait comes from their draconic lineage as well as their height and viewpoint of the world.

Ecology and Habitats

Kobolds often make their homes deep underground, they prefer to live near large sources of heat - so mountains with volcanic activity, desert planes or thermal traps are where you will most likely find them.
They will then form an elaborate tunnel network with multiple tunnels leading to and from key locations, some tunnels are trapped or simply dead ends, designed to deter intruders from approaching them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kobolds are omnivorous but enjoy a healthy diet of insects, small prey, and root vegetables. Most do not like the taste of fruit or other sweets.

Biological Cycle

If a kobold is able to abstain from acts of foolish bravery and live a long life, their horns will grow out long and their tails will shorten slightly. Along with this their scales will lose some of their sheen and have an almost matte-like finish.


Kobold young are typically adventurous and anxious to explore. As they develop into adolescence they have an inert sense to prove themselves, often taking on wreckless tasks to show feats of strength, bravery, or endurance - these feats can often be the downfall of a kobold and many die during this period.
Some take to a ritual that helps quell these desires and help them to live longer and wiser lives.
In a kobold society, outsiders can be welcomed in but they would typically have to show signs of great strength, endurance or slain a great beast that has troubled the kobolds previously before they would get an audience with the tribe.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They take a form similar to the dragons they are derivatives of.
The major distinctive features are their snouts, horns and eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kobolds are found deep underground near large sources of heat. Any mountain with volcanic activity, desert planes or thermal traps are perfect for their colonies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kobolds have great vision and can see in the darkness as if it was dim light. Their other senses are similar to that of other humanoids.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kobolds are often named on their strengths for example a kobold with big white claws may be called "white claw" or particularly sharp horns - "spike horn".

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most kobolds speak Draconic and some longer living kobolds will speak further languages that they've learnt from other deep dwellers.


Kobold saw nothing of interest on the surface of Ararim, as winds whipped the earth and rain fell from the sky - they sought shelter digging their way beneath the ground. As they dug they discovered great tunnels built from much bigger creatures and their curious minds began to seek out adventure and challenge.
This desire for adventure gives kobolds a rich history often marred in foolish failures. Kobolds who bravely went to fight purple worms alone or siege dwarven forges only to be met with the flat end of a hammer.
While it builds for great stories it also keeps the kobold population down.
Scientific Name
Pavus Dracos
120 years
Average Height
60cm to 1.1m
Average Weight
48kg - 70kg
Average Physique
They are short, lithe and flexible with sinewy muscle structures designed for burrowing, digging and climbing.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A kobolds colour is determined at birth while they are still hatching in their eggs. They will emerge the same colour as their egg - unless they become a variant like an urd in which case most are blue.


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