
Basic Information


Leonin are tall powerful creatures with heads that resemble that of lions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Leonin give birth to litters of live young, their pregnancies typically last around nine months and they'll give birth to two to four young at a time.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow quickly till around the age of two then a steady growth rate till they reach adulthood at around 22 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Leonin enjoy large rolling planes and often position themselves on borders of desert territories or tundra planes where life is abundant and hunting opportunities are plentiful.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Leonin live on a diet of fresh meat and only resort to eating vegetation if they have to.

Biological Cycle

Leonin are born of the plains and often wish to die in them as well. They live in prides and the old nurture the young while those strong enough go off and hunt, do so. Their prides are formed like families and are very close nit.
As Leonin get old their muscles begin to weaken and their hair becomes scruffier and ragged. Most take these signals as their time to embrace the warmth of the sun but for a few more times and pass shortly after this.


Leonin are respectful of the plains and take only what they need to survive. They are self-reliant people who share a tight family circle, they are quick to quarrel and scrap but do so in a loving and competitive manner, rather than truly trying to inflict hurt on each other.
Should someone outside of their pride offend them though they are very happy to show the sharp end of an axe or a claw, while those who also respect the hunting ways are welcomed like brothers.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have similar facial structures to that of a lion, with a large powerful jaw, a flatter nose and a snout.
Their manes surround their face from there.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Given their family nature, it is common for Leonin to have but one major settlement in a region where they congregate. These central settlements often boarder large planes be them fields of golden grasslands or snowy tundra, but these particular locations are perfect catchments for Leoonin who roam and hunt the fields beyond.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Leonin have a keen sense of smell and great eye sight even in the dark. Their other sense are similar to that of humans.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Leonin names are often in Felinthorp but they also take the name of their pride.
An example of this would Falanx of the Sharpclaw pride.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Leonin speak Felinthorp to each other and most are able to converse in Common Tongue.


Leonin spores touched the plains outside of the desert territories and the tundra planes and from there they began hunting and scavenging what they needed. A life they are familiar with and typically stick to.
Some Leonin abandoned these tribal principles to start lives in more civilized society but this is considered rare.
Leonin are opportunistic hunters, and will rarely take on prey that could result in casualties. They welcome other hunters and races that embrace their way of life, but are quick to expel the weak or those that don't see value in the pride of a hunt.
Scientific Name
85 years
Average Height
195cm to 250cm
Average Weight
120kg to 210kg
Average Physique
Leonin are powerfully built and larger than humans. Their shoulders and back muscles are large and if required they can run on all fours to quickly chase down prey.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Leonin are typically golden brown, white, tan or soft shades of yellow. However some have adapted to being much darker almost black.


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