Lizardfolk Species in Ararim | World Anvil


Basic Information


Lizardfolk stand on two legs, most have tails but some do not.
They are born with powerful jaws that they use to eat their pray, they have clawed feet and hands and their bodies adapt to their surroundings.
It is common for them to have fins that they use to regulate their body temperature.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk raise their young in small hatcheries. These are typically far removed from danger, either deep underground or high in tree tops.
An egg takes around 3 months to hatch and the young spend a further 3 months in the nest before taking their first steps as juveniles

Growth Rate & Stages

Lizardfolk reach physical maturity around 12 years of age and rarely live beyond 60 years due to the harsh environments they prefer to call home.

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk traditionally love the heat. Hot marshlands, swamps, deserts, and tropical coasts/islands are their favourite places to call home.
The villages that they build often blend with their surroundings but they make it very clear which tribal group the village belongs to, either with banners, symbols or idols - they use these to mark their territory borders also.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are almost always carnivores, they prefer their meats raw and while they prefer fresh kills when hungry they are not above scavenging.

Biological Cycle

Lizardfolks' scales will dull at the tips as they age and their eyes typically transition from more vibrant colours to softer hues of the same shade. They try to maintain their posture and strength where possible as they correlate this with the ability to hunt - which is very important in most of their societies.


Lizardfolk traditionally have a survival mindset above all else, elders are respected for their wisdom but in the event of a natural disaster, they are likely to be left behind.
Lizardfolk often lack empathy and if a creature is in a vulnerable situation they will observe with critical thinking and act accordingly, that may be to execute and put that creature out of its misery and provide the tribe with a food source, or it could be to aid the creature to learn from it.
Art and beauty serve no purpose to normal lizardfolk, they view strength, speed, and intellect as the most admirable traits. They see gold and coin as useless and prefer to trade for goods where possible.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The facial structures of lizardfolk are dependent on their environment but most have structures similar to lizards and other reptiles.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lizardfolk are found in hot marshlands, swamps, deserts, and tropical coasts/islands. Some have found life in civilised society but it's relatively uncommon.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lizardfolk have a keen sense of smell typically around hunting prey as well as the standard senses.
Aquatic lizardfolk have adapted to rebreathing allowing them to hold their breath for long periods of time, while desert-dwelling lizardfolk move slower allowing them to conserve energy and require less food.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Lizardfolk are often named in their spoken tongue with words associated with being useful.
A few good examples are below.
Axe, rope, fire, fang, claw, sun, hammer, iron, scale, night, food, eye(s), snout etc

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most lizardfolk speak Draconic, it is rare for tribal lizardfolk to speak Common Tongue.


The spores that took lizardfolk into the world took the hot winds across the desert planes and through the jungles, swamps and marshes and eventually settled across the islands. From here the first lizardfolk began to hunt and settle into their surroundings.
They enjoy living simple lives and a great hunt is as good a festival as one could ask for. Lizardfolk often observe outsiders in their territory before engaging with them. If the outsiders look to be of little value they'll wait for them to be in a compromising position before striking.
Lizardfolk are not great historians and keep track only of what they see as essential. Food sources, weather patterns and major events.
Scientific Name
60 years
Average Height
1.2m to 1.8m
Average Weight
90kg to 150kg
Average Physique
They have powerful builds used for hunting and physically tackling and taking down prey.
Scaly hides provide a strong natural defense as well as great camouflage.
Sharp teeth and claws as well as frills that they use to regulate their body temperature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Lizardfolks' colouring is dependent on their environment but their frills are often vibrant colours which when extended give a warning to others not to approach.


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