
Basic Information


Locathah are brawny bi-pedal creatures, that live primarily underwater.
They have adapted to life around rivers and waterways and have powerful arms and legs with webbed fingers and toes and muscular tails that guide them through the water.
Their anatomical structure can vary widely depending on which waterway they call home and it is extremely rare to see one far from a safe source of water.

Genetics and Reproduction

Locathah mate and build aquatic nests and lay clutches of eggs, these eggs take 6 months to hatch, and from there Locathah hatch into fry. It is common for fry to feast on anything around them even other fry - while parents do their best to leave a bounty of food available it can still happen.

Growth Rate & Stages

From fry, Locathah begin to grow into young babies and start to understand the world around them, from this stage they can learn right from wrong and will begin a more balanced diet that does not involve their siblings.
They reach maturity around 10 years of age and live till around 80 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Locathah are can be both freshwater and seawater dwellers, some are nomadic while others prefer to create villages.
Villages are often very difficult to find and blend seamlessly with the environment, what may just look like a pile of natural debris could lead to a labyrinth of underwater tunnels that all connect into a central village hub, similarly in seawater Locathah coral coves and shipwrecks are perfect places to call home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Diet often varies depending on the ethnicity of the Locathah, some feed exclusively on meat be it a diet of fish, clams, and crustaceans, while others eat only kelp, seagrass, moss, and other plant life. It is however rare for a Locathah to be omnivorous.

Biological Cycle

Nomadic Locathah often move to more temperate waters during the extreme cold of winter and extreme heat of summer.
While Village Locathah will often be slower in the summer months and in some of the tribes in wintery waters will partially hibernate to wait out the cold.


Locathah are typically a close nit society and rarely socialize with outsiders.
They can be territorial and defensive but prefer not to give away their location. You could be swimming in Locathah waters and while they know you and your location you could be oblivious to theirs, they will usually only show signs of aggression if you are too close to an area of interest to them (sacred sites, breeding grounds, tribes, villages or areas rich in food).
While shy they are curious about foreigners in their area and enjoy observing from a distance, if someone is in their area for awhile they may engage in conversation if they do not perceive them as a threat.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All Locathah have two sets of eye lids to aid them in swimming in water.
Most have wide mouths some with teeth some without
Whiskers for bottom feeders who seek their pray in silt
While others may have a wide forehead that holds their echolocation

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Locathah are found in oceans, swamps, rivers, marshes, and areas with large masses of water. Their territories can expand along waterways but rarely do they push beyond anywhere that does not have a direct water supply.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Locathah have round eyes with two sets of eyelids to allow them to see clearly underwater.
They often have feelers that extend like whiskers or fans from their face that they use to sense changes in the water currents around them.
Some ethnicities of Locathah are gifted with echolocation, while others have an incredible sense of smell underwater.
Hearing is often the drawback of a Locathah as their ears are often small holes on the sides of their heads and not designed for use outside of water.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A Locathah is given a name once they have survived beyond the stage of fry. Naming rituals may vary from one ethnicity to another, but it is common for their name to include the tribe they are in or the location that they typically call home.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Cathahal is the language spoken by most Locathah, it is rare for them to speak other languages given they don't typically associate with other races. A village elder or tribal leader may be able to converse in common but it will likely be broken at best.
Locathah that live near other races may befriend them and learn their language.
80 years
Average Height
1 meter to 2.5 meters
Average Weight
Varies widely dependant on their ethnicity
Average Physique
All Locathah have webbed fingers and toes and powerful tails to aid them in swimming. Beyond this, their features vary vastly depending on the environment and their dietary needs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Colouring for Locathah varies mostly with their habitat
Those in Coral reefs are brightly coloured, but most will be varying shades of brown, blue, green, grey or sandy colours. It is rare but albino Locathah are often the reverse of their natural colouring or all white. Among some tribes this is seen as a rare sign from the gods that this Locathah is of great importance, others will shun them quickly as they are a liability likely to give away their location.


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