Minotaur Species in Ararim | World Anvil


Basic Information


Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls and powerfully built muscular bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Minotaurs breed much the same as humans and their pregnancies last around 8 months.
Minotaurs birth live young which stay with their mother for around 2 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Minotaur babies are raised in pods until they are four years old, they reach full physical maturity by 17 and typically live till their late 90s.

Ecology and Habitats

Minotaurs are an adaptive species, that primarily took root in dry flat climates. Later evolutions made their way to the mountains where their coats grew long to adapt to the colder climate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Minotaurs are primarily vegetarian, they have the capacity to eat meat but most prefer not to.

Biological Cycle

Minotaur as they age their back can round over and the tips of their fur will begin to get lighter.
Some allow their horns to grow long, while others simply can't maintain them as well as they once did.


Minotaurs are typically hard to anger but once they're enraged they take a long time to calm down. They enjoy sharing knowledge and learning of new and wonderous things, they can happily spend days discussing different ways of doing things.
They are passionate, loving their friends and partners fiercely, and they laugh loud and long at good jokes.
If you befriend a minotaur you often have a friend for life.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Minotaurs facial features are similar to a bulls with large eyes and bull snout for a nose, their horns continue to grow as they age and it is often seen as an impressive symbol of power to have big horns. More practical minotaurs grind their horns down as they can get in the way.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Minotaur are often scattered among the deserts and plains of Ararim, with some smaller clusters that have ventured into the mountains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Minotaur has all the same sensory functions as a human.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Minotaurs deep seeded love of story telling and knowledge sharing is reflected in their naming traditions, if there is a minotaur or even another race that has imparted great knowledge it is seen as an honour to be named after them and then share with others what made that person so special.
This way their name lives on in the minds of others well after they've passed.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Minotaurs once had a language of their own known as Mintori while many can still speak it, they prefer to converse in Common Tongue and many speak multiple languages given nomadic past.


As the seeds carrying minotaurs spread across the deserts and planes, they became spiritual plane striders and enjoyed learning about other cultures and ways of life and imparting their knowledge to other willing individuals.
It was often seen as a great day when a band of minotaurs would enter your village to impart new knowledge. Once a band of minotaurs had bonded with a village they would regularly return.
If a village was in need of their aid the minotaur would gladdly aid them.
This existance is still common among minotaur but others have grown new roots in the societies that they enjoyed and live lovingly among their people.
Scientific Name
85 years
Average Height
190cm - 240cm
Average Weight
120kg - 250kg
Average Physique
With big muscular arms and strong upper frames, Minotaurs have incredibly powerful legs that can get them quickly into a sprint. Their skulls are incredibly hard and they have great bone density as well.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Minotaurs' colourations mimic that of other bovines and often come in shades of black, brown, white, red and tan. Mutations of this do occur from time to time.


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