
Basic Information


Orcs are tall tusked humanoids with powerful muscular builds.

Genetics and Reproduction

In tribal culture orcs will breed regularly and look to build a big clan as fast as possible.
Orcs have whelping pens where they birth most of their young.

Growth Rate & Stages

At 4 years old an orc is considered a juvenile, and by age 12 it is a fully functioning adult. Orcs can live to 90 years or so but tribal orcs typically fall earlier to disease or war.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs are an adaptive species but prefer warm climates. Civilized orcs populate large sections of Ararim while tribal orcs are typically found closer to oceans or in the desert.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs are omnivorous but prefer a diet of game meat.

Biological Cycle

As orcs age, their skin will become leathery and toughened. The color of their eyes can dull, those still with hair will likely have their hair turn to white or silver.


Orcs appreciate physical prowess and formidable combat ability in any form.
Orcs are often heavily religious believing that any seemingly unimportant discovery or event — a bear’s claw marks on a tree, a flock of crows, or a sudden gust of wind — might be a communication from the gods. Different clans of orcs may interpret signs differently from each other, but view these enlightenments as very important.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Orcs are known for their tusks that protrude from their bottom lip, their leathery skin, small eyes, and flat noses. They have strong jaws and their ears often come to a small sharp point.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tribal orcs are found in hot environments, either tropical or dry. While civilized orcs can be found in city centers across Ararim.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An orc has all the same sensory functions as a human.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tribal orcs take names associated with strength, honour and war.
Eye gouger, skin flayer, Skull breaker, Bone crusher are common.
While civilized orcs will take similar adaptions but associate it with their line of work.
A Labourer may be known as Stone Sculptor or Brick forger
A Smithy - Iron weaver or Sword Singer.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tribal orcs will almost exclusively speak Orcish, while civilized orcs will likely speak the language of the village or town they are in.


When orcs settled into the lands of Ararim, they quickly began to make tribes and from there war bands. Often first resorting to violence to claim the resources around them. Their cans grew to extraordinary numbers and were a significant threat to many other races. They ravaged the deserts and planes for centuries before other races began to fortify their towns and form organised alliances to actively hunt down and defeat them.
Some orc clans still raid and attack unsuspecting villages but it is not as regular an occurrence as it once was and their numbers are nothing like they once were.
\ There are orcs though that over time have realized the barbarous nature of their tribal ways and sought new beginnings in more established mixed colonies and find their home among the people their great ancestors once raided.
Scientific Name
Viridis Dentis
65 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Orcs are typically more muscular than humans and marginally taller.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orcs skin tones reflect their environment and usually come in a range of greens, yellows, browns, reds, tans, purples and blues. Some variations of these exist but are uncommon.


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