Podrig Spearal


Personal History

Podrig Spearal's past is as shrouded as the dusty roads he tirelessly travels. A life spent chasing coin has led him across countless lands, taking on any job that jingles the loudest. He possesses no loyalty beyond the clink of a well-earned fee, leaving behind broken promises and discarded bonds with the ease of a flicked coin. His only true companion is the ever-growing purse that holds his hard-earned wealth, a constant reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the need to secure his future.   Podrig harbors a deep-seated understanding of his mortality. He knows one day he will meet his end at the wrong end of a blade, a reality he embraces with grim pragmatism. This awareness fuels his relentless pursuit of wealth, a desperate attempt to secure some semblance of comfort before the inevitable darkness claims him.


Physical descriptions


Appearance & Attire

Podrig's appearance speaks volumes about his nomadic lifestyle. A long, greasy beard frames his face, etched with the lines of a life lived on the edge. His brown eyes, sharp and calculating, constantly scan for opportunities, while his slicked-back black hair betrays a keen awareness of presentation. Years of harsh travel have weathered his skin, leaving it ashy grey and taut against his athletic build. He adorns himself in finely crafted black leather armor, a testament to his past successes, and carries four venomous knives strapped to his belt, each held in its own vial, a chilling reminder of his deadly profession.   Despite his duergar heritage, Podrig stands shorter than most of his kind. However, he retains the characteristic hostility and distrust associated with his race, a constant undercurrent beneath his carefully crafted mercenary facade.

Concealed Items

A small, intricately carved pouch holding his collected coin wealth. A collection of various enchanted trinkets and baubles acquired through dubious means.


What do they sound like

Podrig speaks with a smooth, almost charming voice, honed through years of negotiation and deceit. His tone can shift seamlessly between friendly persuasion and cold-blooded threats, depending on the situation and his potential gain.




Podrig's sole motivation is the accumulation of wealth. He sees every interaction, every job, as an opportunity to line his pockets. While currently employed by Staev, Podrig's loyalty lies only with the highest bidder. He is not above exploiting his position for personal gain, shaking down merchants or extracting "gratuities" for "protection."   However, Podrig is no fool. He understands the value of picking his battles. Despite his bravado, he possesses a keen sense of self-preservation and avoids unnecessary risks when the odds are stacked against him. His true goal is to acquire enough wealth to secure a comfortable retirement, a dream that drives his every action.


Personality Traits

Greedy: Podrig's obsession with wealth consumes him, driving him to exploit and manipulate others for personal gain.
Opportunistic: He is always on the lookout for ways to turn a profit, exploiting any opportunity for personal gain.
Ruthless: When it comes to securing his wealth, Podrig has no qualms about using violence or intimidation to achieve his ends.
Pragmatic: Despite his gruff exterior, Podrig possesses a sharp intellect and understands the value of picking his battles.
Charismatic: He can be surprisingly charming when it suits his needs, using his smooth talk to manipulate others.



Untrustworthy: Podrig's loyalty is fickle, easily swayed by the promise of greater financial gain.
Arrogant: His success has bred a sense of self-importance, often leading him to underestimate his opponents.
Reckless: Podrig's pursuit of wealth can cloud his judgment, leading him into dangerous situations.
Paranoia: Years of living on the edge have instilled a deep-seated distrust in others, making him constantly suspicious and wary
Current Location


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