Session 14: Mother knows best

General Summary

The session started with fighting the mages apprentice spider known as Mother, she along with her brood were quite the fierce foe. However after sustaining significant damage she retreated, the party gave chase only for Corrin to become compelled by a dark entity to come closer.
  There at the bottom of the ravine was a black obelisk a familiar sight from Corrins past.
  In the inky black depths a creature emerged known as The Great Old One or GOO for short - he told Corrin that a child of his walked among them and that Corrin a key to breaking the seals that hold him.
  3 seals remain - on returning to the party a vision of a white capped mountain that gave way to a cave entrance and within it a sealed room and behind there another oblisk.
  When Corrin returned to the party Mother warmed to her like a master to an apprentice and became Corrins new mount.
  Kolme remembers GOO and that he kept her safe and takes the shard from Corrin.
  GOO is the primordial of Power and aligned with the gods of the under realms.
  Primordials are raw states and see neither good nor evil just purpose.
  GOO has been sealed away.
  The Aragites that were working here are from the Abyssal enclave. Reading through the texts they pre-date the current understanding of the Ararim timeline by about 2000 - 4000 years. The Abyssal Enclave where a subset of researches that specialised in the lower planes and planar travel.
  They were highly intelligent and advanced for their time. In the notes they found a point of Brother Clarotta who was from the northern chapter - who spoke of a way of unlocking their crystal and he will bring word to them. However if he arrived or did not remains a mystery.
  These notes were written by Sister Kalyra, she also speaks of a worsening winged plague.
  You discovered that they were using Aetherium crystals well before their discovery by modern standards.
  Mina sought further knowledge as she begins her first steps into wizardhood. In doing so finds some armour that was once worn by the Umbral Knights who protected the Abysall Enclave
  Keye's attempted to meddle with one only to detonate it - after a small shock wave the party continue on back to the ranch to rest before their next adventure begins.
  Here Solomon is met face to face with the blue demon that haunts his dreams.
Report Date
05 Oct 2024


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