
History and Introduction

Shi-Long is a majestic spire city, nestled within one of the Dragon Stones—towering, natural rock spires that thrust upwards through the dense jungles of Yuzan. This breathtaking city, suspended in the sky, is built directly into the stone, with sprawling buildings emerging from the rock face. The architecture is a seamless blend of nature and civilization, using the contours of the spire to create a thriving urban settlement that spans three distinct rings. The city’s heart is hollow, with a series of intricate lifts that provide access to each level, offering a mesmerizing view as one ascends or descends between the levels.   Shi-Long began as a humble settlement of Giant Owl raisers. Its elevated position provided safety and seclusion from the dangers of the jungle floor. Over time, the settlement expanded to include hippogriff breeders and became known for its remarkable flying mounts. As trade and commerce grew, so did the city, which gradually carved deeper into the spire, transforming it into a bustling hub of trade, culture, and tourism. Today, Shi-Long occupies nearly the entire spire, filled with people from across the land seeking the safety, beauty, and opportunity this elevated sanctuary offers.

Society & Boroughs



Political views

Shi-Long operates under a relatively peaceful and stable political system. The ruling family, the Yuan family, oversees the city from the uppermost level of the spire. They maintain order through a well-organized bureaucracy that manages trade, infrastructure, and civil services. The Yuan family is widely respected, having maintained Shi-Long's prosperity and safety for generations. The local guard is efficient and well-trained, ensuring that laws are followed and disputes are settled swiftly. Political stability has led to continued growth and expansion of the city, drawing more people to Shi-Long from the surrounding lands.  

Concealed Political views

While Shi-Long’s outward appearance is one of prosperity and harmony, there are undercurrents of political dissent brewing in the lower levels. Some factions believe the Yuan family is too focused on maintaining the comfort of the wealthy elite in the outer ring and upper levels while neglecting the needs of those living deeper within the spire. There are also rumors of corruption within the elite guard, who may be taking bribes to ensure certain wealthy families are above the law.   There is also whispered discontent among some residents who believe that the Yuan family's wealth is tied to dealings with darker forces lurking beneath the surface of the spire, though these rumors remain unsubstantiated.



The economy of Shi-Long thrives on trade, tourism, and rare resources found in the jungle of Yuzan. The spire city has become a central point for exotic goods, including rare spices, fruits, and animals, as well as magical artifacts from the depths of the jungle. Artisans and craftspeople are highly regarded, producing unique goods that are sought after throughout the region. The hippogriff trade, once a primary industry, is now more ceremonial but still brings in steady income through special commissions and orders for nobility and other wealthy patrons.   Tourism plays a huge role in Shi-Long's economy, with travelers from distant lands coming to see the marvel of the spire city and enjoy its luxuries. The upper levels are filled with high-end hotels, restaurants, and spas, drawing wealthy tourists looking for an elevated retreat from the chaos of the outside world.

Religious Beliefs

Shi-Long is home to many religious sects and beliefs, with temples scattered throughout the upper levels of the city. The most prominent is the Temple of Selûne, goddess of the moon, a grand temple carved into the spire's side and adorned with intricate carvings of celestial beings. The Celestial Spirit is believed to watch over the spires of Yuzan, blessing the people with prosperity and safety.   There are also smaller temples dedicated to deities of trade, travel, and nature, reflecting the diversity of the city’s population. Visitors often make offerings in hopes of safe journeys, good fortune in trade, or protection from the dangers of the jungle below.


Shi-Long maintains a well-trained local guard, responsible for keeping the peace within the city. These guards are highly respected and are known for their dedication to upholding the laws and ensuring the safety of the citizens. They patrol all levels of the city and are quick to resolve disputes or confront any criminal activity.   Additionally, the elite guard, who serve the ruling Yuan family, are stationed in the upper levels. These soldiers are specially trained and highly disciplined, protecting the wealthiest and most influential citizens of the city. While the local guard is trusted to handle day-to-day issues, the elite guard are often seen as enforcers of the Yuan family’s will, ensuring the upper echelons of society remain safe and secure.


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