Skybrin College of War Organization in Ararim | World Anvil

Skybrin College of War


The Skybrin College of War, established within the illustrious Cloisters of Aerilin, has a storied history dating back centuries. Originally founded as a response to the pressing need for well-trained military leaders and strategists, this college quickly earned a reputation for its dedication to combat excellence. Over the years, it has produced countless distinguished graduates who have gone on to become knights, generals, and captains within the military, playing vital roles in safeguarding Aerilin.


The primary objective of the Skybrin College of War is to provide a comprehensive education and training in the art of combat and warfare. It seeks to equip its students with the knowledge, skills, and leadership acumen required to excel in various military roles. Graduates of this institution are known for their ability to lead troops effectively, formulate strategic battle plans, and adapt to the ever-evolving nature of warfare.

Uniform or Symbols

A distinctive tradition of the Skybrin College is the wearing of green cloaks by its students. These cloaks symbolize the wearer's affiliation with the college and are worn with pride throughout their educational journey. Professors, on the other hand, are easily recognizable by their darker shaded green cloaks. These marks of distinction foster a sense of community and camaraderie among college members.


The Skybrin College of War is situated within the revered Cloisters of Aerilin. This hallowed institution is at the heart of the city, where it trains the military leaders and strategists of the future. The college's education and training facilities are highly respected and frequently visited by those aspiring to excel in combat-related disciplines.


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