The Moon Maidens

Brief History

The Moon Maidens trace their origins to ancient times when a group of devoted healers pledged their allegiance to the goddess Selune, the Moon Goddess of Healing and Mercy. United by their shared faith and dedication to the pursuit of healing arts, they formed a select order known as the Moon Maidens. Over the centuries, the Moon Maidens have developed a reputation for their exceptional healing abilities and unwavering devotion to Selune.


The primary objective of the Moon Maidens is to serve as instruments of Selune's healing and mercy. They believe in harnessing the divine energy of the moon to restore health, alleviate suffering, and bring comfort to those in need. The Moon Maidens are not limited to traditional healing methods but also explore alternative and magical practices to enhance their abilities. They view their healing talents as a sacred gift from Selune, which they are committed to sharing with the world.

Uniform or Symbols

The Moon Maidens can be recognized by their distinctive attire, which symbolizes their connection to Selune. They often wear flowing white robes adorned with silver or blue trim, representing the ethereal glow of the moon. Many Moon Maidens also wear intricate lunar-themed jewelry, such as pendants or circlets, as a sign of their devotion. Additionally, they may carry a staff or wand, often topped with a crescent moon symbol, further emphasizing their connection to Selune.

Where are they most commonly found

The Moon Maidens can be found in various locations where they establish healing sanctuaries and temples dedicated to Selune. These sanctuaries are often situated near places of natural beauty, such as moonlit groves, serene lakes, or tranquil mountainsides. The Moon Maidens believe that the healing power of Selune is strongest in these sacred spaces, and they utilize them to conduct rituals, offer prayers, and provide healing services to those who seek their aid.

Mercenaries of the Moon

One unique aspect of the Moon Maidens is their practice of sending their most promising pupils off to embark on adventurous journeys. By doing so, they aim to spread awareness of their healing talents and generate further revenue to pursue their craft. These adventuring Moon Maidens act as ambassadors of Selune's light, offering their healing services to communities they encounter and demonstrating the benevolent power of Selune's blessings.   In conclusion, the Moon Maidens are an esteemed order of healers dedicated to the goddess Selune. With their deep faith, exceptional healing abilities, and commitment to spreading awareness of their craft, they serve as beacons of Selune's light, bringing healing and mercy to those in need. Through their sacred connection to the moon and their adventurous endeavors, the Moon Maidens continue to inspire and uplift both their own order and the communities they touch with their divine gifts.


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