The Tablet of Toxic Tinctures Vol I

Here is a fundamental guide of poisons that can be made or purchased, naturally higher tier poisons are harder to find and more costly.  

Tier 1: Nature's Fury (Cost: 10-50 gp) limited to 6 charges

Requires a vial of this venom without the need for alchemists supplies or a poisoners kit or skills.
  Fungal Frenzy: Spores from rage cap mushrooms cause hallucinations and disorientation (DC 12 WIS saving throw) on a failed save the target goes into a rage, taking half damage from all sources of non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. The target must at the top of their turn roll a D6 on an even they attack a foe on an odd they attack their nearest ally. If they are attacked in the process of pursuing their target they will prefer to attack whoever attacks them. The victim may choose to repeat their saving throw at the end of their turn.

  Stinging Strike: A readily available venom extracted from the glands of venomous creatures, snakes, spiders, scorpions etc. Causes nausea and weakness (DC 12 CON saving throw - On a failed saving throw take 2D6 poison damage, halved on successful saving throw)
  Widowleaf Scraped from the leaves of poisonous plants, this toxin slows the beat of a heart and causes chest pains. (CON save DC 10. On a failed throw your speed is reduced by half and you take 1D6 poison damage per round. You may repeat the saving throw at the end of your next turn)

Tier 2: Alchemical Alchemy (Cost: 100-500 gp) limited to 5 charges

Requires Alchemists supplies or a poisoners kit and a basic understanding of poisons   Nightshade: This alchemical concoction combines nightshade with binding agents to induce a deep sleep filled with nightmares that grant no rest (WIS saving throw DC12, failure puts you to sleep for 1d4 minutes and you take 1d4 psychic damage as you're harrowed by your nightmare. You can repeat your saving throw at the end of your next turn).   Draconic Decay: Combining the venom of a young wyvern or dragon with binding agents creates a potent poison that causes hallucinations and disorientation (CON saving throw DC12, failure = 4d6 poison damage, half as much on a success)   Leechfire: This alchemical concoction combines the saliva of a giant leech as well as binding agents to cause internal bleeding (CON saving throw DC12 failure = 1d6 bleeding damage per 15ft of active movement, you can repeat your saving throw at the end of your next turn).  

Tier 3: Nature's Rarities (Cost: 500 gp - 1000 gp) limited to 5 charges

Requires a poisoners kit and proficiency in poisoners kits.   Greyshadow: This rare fungal toxin, found only in deep caverns, causes aging and rapid exhaustion (CON saving throw DC15, on a failed saving throw you age 2d20 years, your speed is halved, and have disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws for 1D4 hours). If you age beyond your worldly years you age to within 10 days of your death. You may repeat your saving throw once in every hour.   Whispering Madness: The tubar of this insidious plant infects the mind with paranoia and delusions (WIS saving throw DC15, on a failed saving throw you hear whispers of lost souls, causing 2d6 psychic damage for 1d6 minutes, all of your attacks are at disadvantage. You may repeat the saving throw at the end of your turn).   Shadowshroud: Extracted from the luminous excrement of subterranean bats that rest between the planes of the Material, Feywild, and the Shadowfel this toxin can paralyze even the most resilient creatures (CON saving throw DC15, on a failed saving throw the creature is paralyzed for 1d6 hours).  

Tier 4: The Alchemist's Opus (Cost: 1000gp - 2500gp) - limited to 3 charges

Requires a poisoners kit and proficiency in poisoners kits.   Rustrot: A highly volatile alchemical concoction that eats away at metal both magical or mundane. Requires rare and expensive binding agents to be safely contained. (no save, permanently reduces AC of a target by 1 and attacks deal an additional 1d6 acid damage, multiple instances reduce AC by 1 each time until AC is reduced to 0 and the item is destroyed).   Elder Venom: A complex poison that mimics the neurotoxin of a basilisk, manticore, or hydra, causing excruciating pain (CON saving throw DC15, on a failed save take 7d6 poison damage or half as much on a successful saving throw).   Medusa's Gaze: its effects require a skilled alchemist to safely handle and bind the essence of a snake and the eye of a Medusa, potentially causing petrification (CON saving throw DC18, on a failed saving throw you begin to turn to stone, if you fail 3 consecutive saving throws you are turned to stone).  

Tier 5: Legends in a Vial (Cost: 2500gp to 15000gp or a deal)

Requires a poisoners kit and alchemist supplies and proficiency in both poisoners kits and alchemy supplies. These are all single-use poisons   Tears of Alison: A single teardrop can melt the flesh from bone (CON saving throw DC20, on a failed save you regain 1d8 hit points before suffering an unimaginable pain of loss causing 22d6 points of poison damage and numbing you to any feeling of joy. If you do not die from the poison you will go catatonic within 2d20 days due to having no dopamine in your system and remain this way till cured).   Lich Dust: The powdered remains of a lich can cause a slow, withering death (CON saving throw DC20, you take 1d4 necrotic damage per round for 1d4 minutes, all sources of healing only heal you for half). Should you die from this toxin you rise again the next day as a zombie under the control of whoever poisoned you.   Night Queen's Kiss: This legendary poison requires the exceptional skill of an alchemist who has bartered with a coven of Night Hags. A single kiss can steal a victim's life force (WIS saving throw DC21, you instantly fall unconscious and begin dying, suffering 1d8 psychic damage per round. You can make a saving throw per 10 psychic damage taken, if you die by this poison you become a banshee that haunts the nearest building until your attacker is slain and their head is brought to you as proof).


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