Twill Biscuits Item in Ararim | World Anvil

Twill Biscuits


Twill biscuits are the original design of Miata Amakunai - she designed it to be a hardy ration to be used by hikers and travelers, similar to a traditional crumpet but sweeter and with more crunch. However, these treats are now most commonly found in commoners' markets, and are consumed with breakfast. Given their tacky nature it is a common occurrence for them to remain stuck between teeth well into the day. Designed to be accompanied by wild berries. But they are now more readily seen with fruit spreads or preserves.
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Raw materials & Components
2 Cups – All Purpose Flour – 240 grams – Do not use self-rising flour
3/4 Cup – Water – 175 milliliters
1 1/2 Teaspoons – Salted Sugar – 7.5 milliliters – Optional but salt acts as a natural preservative.
1 Teaspoon - Berry Sugar - Dehydrated berries ground into sugar dust


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