Elara Surewind Character in Araviad | World Anvil
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Elara Surewind


Elara is tall and slender, with obsidian-colored skin typical of drow heritage. Her hair, flowing like silk, is a deep, radiant silver that cascades down her back. Her piercing amethyst eyes reflect a mixture of curiosity and determination, and her features are graceful, portraying an air of intellect and resilience. She often adorns herself in scholarly robes adorned with intricate arcane symbols, showcasing her dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.


Elara is a reserved and scholarly individual, her mind a labyrinth of ancient wisdom and arcane knowledge. She exudes an air of quiet confidence, expressing herself through thoughtful and articulate speech. Though reserved, she possesses an insatiable curiosity, always eager to delve into the mysteries of the occult and the arcane. Her determination and strong will shine through her reserved demeanor, showcasing her unwavering commitment to uncovering the truths hidden within the depths of ancient tomes and forgotten rituals.


Elara is an occult scholar, dedicated to studying the arcane, delving into ancient rituals, and deciphering the mysteries of the occult. Her profession revolves around researching, cataloging, and interpreting ancient texts and artifacts related to magic and otherworldly phenomena. She spends her days immersed in the pursuit of understanding the esoteric and the unknown.


Elara is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Her motivations revolve around unraveling the secrets of the arcane and occult, seeking to understand the forces that shape the world. She's propelled by an unyielding curiosity and a desire to uncover ancient truths, even if they challenge conventional beliefs. She seeks to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown, driven by a passion to explore the depths of magic's mysteries.


Elara hails from a lineage of drow scholars dedicated to the arcane arts. Raised in the subterranean libraries of her people, she exhibited an early fascination with forbidden tomes and eldritch knowledge. Departing from her secluded society, she journeyed through the shadowed caverns and remote landscapes to gather lost, ancient texts. Her tireless pursuit led her to the surface world, where she continues her studies, now immersed in a world far removed from her dark origins. Her thirst for knowledge often places her in perilous situations, seeking truths hidden within cryptic texts and enigmatic artifacts.
  Elara has a twin sister Elena. Elara and Elena shared a secluded upbringing within the enigmatic drow society. Their early years were shrouded in the darkness of cavernous libraries and tombs filled with arcane lore. While Elara delved deep into forbidden texts, drawn to the mysteries of the occult, Elena's fascination lay with the architectural wonders of ancient civilizations. Despite their differing passions, the twins found solace in each other's company, often exploring forgotten catacombs and hidden passageways, reveling in the secrets they uncovered. Their divergent interests set the stage for their separate paths, each embarking on a quest for knowledge in their own distinct fields.
  Elara's education was an intricate tapestry woven with occult knowledge and mystical studies. Raised within the insular society of drow, she underwent rigorous training in the arcane arts under the tutelage of venerable scholars and enigmatic occultists. Her lessons encompassed esoteric rituals, ancient incantations, and the deciphering of cryptic texts—each lesson a step deeper into the veiled realms of dark magic and occult practices. Her thirst for knowledge led her to delve into the forbidden, exploring subjects that others dared not touch, acquiring a unique expertise in eldritch lore and occult rituals. This educational journey molded her into a formidable and enigmatic occult scholar.

Important information:

Elara Surewind

Medium Drow, Scholar, Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 14


( +0 )


( +0 )


( +2 )


( +4 )


( +2 )


( +0 )

Languages Common, Undercommon, Elvish, Infernal, Celestial


Elara is driven to protect those who are unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadows.


Elara has a mysterious benefactor or patron whose motives and identity remain obscure.


Elara keeps secrets close to her chest, even from allies, which can lead to distrust and misunderstandings.



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