Cult of the Baleful King Organization in Araxion | World Anvil

Cult of the Baleful King

The cultists dedicated to the goblinoid god-king of Ter'garak are known as the Harbingers of the Baleful King. This Cult of Conquest worships the centuries-old goblinoid king of Ter'garak, known as the Baleful King. Revered as the demi-god goblinoids, the Baleful King carries features from all three goblinoid races. The creator of the city of Ter'garak, the God-King, grants his harbingers divine powers of domination, strife, and war.

Tenets of Faith

The Baleful King commands his followers to:
  • Strive ceaselessly to dominate your environment.
  • Never forget a slight or a loss, for those who have wronged you must suffer in kind.
  • Wage war in the Baleful King's name and let each kill be an offering to your God-King.
  • Granted Divine Powers

    The Strife Domain, theĀ Domination Domain, and the War Master Domain.
    Religious, Cult