Coral Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The blue-skinned fishfolk of the ocean's depths

Ability Score: Coral are tough and nimble, but not very smart. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, and -2 Intelligence.   Type: Coral are Medium sized Humanoid creatures with the Coral and Aquatic subtypes.   Speed: Coral have a base speed of 20ft and swim speed of 40ft.   Senses: Coral have Scent 60ft, and Blindsense 30ft.   Bite Attack: Coral have strong jaws with sharp teeth, and gain a bite attack at 1d6 base damage.   Powerful tail: Coral have a long and powerful tail. They gain a tail attack as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d6 damage.   Natural Armor: Coral have thick, tough skin and coral-like growths that sprout from their body, and gain a racial +2 bonus to their natural armor.   Underworld Home: Coral are at home under the waves. All of their senses are doubled when fully submerged in water.   Masters of the Sea: Coral have an innate connection to the sea, and never take any negative penalties for wind or water environmental effects such as that produced by a Control Wind effect, or a natural disaster such as a Hurricane/Tsunami.   Knowing one’s place: Due to their rigid society and the fact that they always know their place in it, Coral are well versed in many subjects. They gain a racial +2 on Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nobility), and Knowledge (Local) checks.

Basic Information


With bodies full of muscle, Coral are creatures of the sea and possess bodies streamlined for swimming - their thick, rubbery skin provides sleek movement through the water and their gills allow them to breathe even when submerged. Their massive jaws can clamp down with supreme force, with rows of razor sharp teeth that constantly grow back every so often. They cannot technically breath air - they instead can just store water inside of them to 'breathe' for extended periods of time, which they refresh through drinking while on land.

Genetics and Reproduction

Coral reproduce by laying hundreds of eggs at a time in a familial unit - so there is no specific concept of a 'mother' or 'father' to coral - there is just the family. Once pregnant they give birth to eggs inside of an hour.

Growth Rate & Stages

Coral are fully grown within 2 years, after which they age normally on par with humans, reaching middle age around age 35, middle age around age 53, and becoming venerable around age 70 and dying shortly thereafter.

Ecology and Habitats

Coral are found almost exclusively in shallows and deep oceans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Coral eat mostly meats - specifically freshwater fish and whales.

Biological Cycle

Once born, Coral grow bigger and stronger constantly until they hit very old age - they exist in their physical prime for almost 60 years of their life, after which they drop off very rapidly, stop regrowing teeth, and quickly wither away and die.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their faces are characterized by their shark-like faces and long massive jaws, with small beady eyes and flared sharklike nostrils.

Average Intelligence

Coral have an intelligence higher than most other humanoids.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Coral have extremely keen senses, and with incredibly sharp senses of smell they possess scent out to sixty feet, and are capable of detecting tremors through the air and water to detect with other creatures are nearby - giving them blindsense 30ft.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Coral names are typically greek, italian, or in a larger sense mediterranean.   Male: Lycophron, Acroneos, Theophanes, Eurydemos, Lamberto, Edgardo, Rinaldo, Settimo   Female: Neaera, Myrine, Antigone, Cybele, Fulvia, Costanza, Vanda, Marzia   Family: Capaccio, Bertozzi, La Fazia, Cervino, Dito, Scarlato, Lucca, Morone
70 Years
Conservation Status
Though not as overwhelmingly populous as Humans, Coral are most populous in their homeland of The Golden Sea but can be found in other bodies of water and in coastal cities all across the world.
Average Height
5'0 - 5'6ft
Average Weight
200 - 350lbs
Average Physique
Coral are short and extremely muscular creatures designed for movement in aquatic environments - their bodies are typically short but extremely powerful.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Coral typically have skin colored in blue or various shades of blue, and tend to have tiger-like stripes. Their eyes are typically solid colors.

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