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Elf Alternate Racial Traits

Racial Variants

Imperial Elf: Take the 'Court Sense', 'Two-Weapon Fighters', and 'Eternal Challenger' Alternate Racial Traits.   The Elves of the Orlessian Empire, these Elves are more accepting of other races and live amongst the other various races of the Empire, focusing less on nature and more on the society they live in and the progress of that society. Much less haughty than other Elves as they were long ago humbled by the Immortal Emperor, they are different than other elves in that they are more noble-minded and focused on melee combat than their elven kin, though they know and are confident in the fields they are skilled in. Unlike other Elves, they tend to have Dark Black or Blonde hair with lighter skin tones - though their hair and skin are never the same skin tone, unlike other elves, due to how much they have intermingled with humans.
Dark Elf: Take the 'Underdark Scion', 'Noble Heritage', and 'Sense Dead Zone' Alternate Racial Traits.   The Elves who once called the now-collapsed Underdark their home, the Dark Elves, formerly known as the Drow, are a people who retain much of their cultural heritage - though it has dimmed since their departure from their homeland, as they no longer strictly follow a matriarchal society(Though many may still defer to females out of habit). Though still definitively in the category of 'evil', they have become much more secretive about their beliefs and ways and now tend to conform more to the societies they find themselves in, where they are typically found amidst the upper echelons of that society. Much like the Drow of old, they tend to have dark purple skin with white or very light colored hair - though the more committed they become to the ancient ways of blood magic, the deeper crimson their hair becomes.
Flamekeepers: Take the 'Heart of Fire', 'Fire Magic', and 'Flameskin' Alternate Racial Traits.   The Elves of the Dreamlands and around the Akashic Mountains, the Flamekeepers are a mysterious and isolated people who venerate the mysterious Everflame - a being or item said to have been forged or born or created from a shard of the sun itself. Little is known about this Everflame, but each Flamekeeper is said to carry a flame lit from the Everflame within themselves which they can manifest with training and focus. Closer to the fey than any other type or breed of Elf, they are not well known or documented - they are often mistaken for Fire Genasi as they are seen having seemingly flaming hair, though their hair is on fire rather than being made of fire. They tend to have reddish hair and skin tones.

Alternate Racial Traits

Fairy-Born: Gain the Slumber Hex, using HD in place of Caster Level. This ability may be used once per day, though the use is not expended until a target fails the save and takes the effect. This is an auditory effect, and the target must be able to hear you to take the effect(Though not understand you). Gain immunity to magic sleep effects. You only need to meditate for four hours in a ritual format each night to gain the benefits of a full nights rest. Replaces Elven Immunities.   Born with more connection to their fey heritage than most, these Elves have mastered the songs of their ancient ancestors to put even the strongest-willed creatures into the deepest of slumbers...
Strong-Blooded: You no longer need to eat or drink, and you only need to meditate for 2hrs each night to gain the benefits of a full-rest. You can never be magically aged. Replaces Elven Immunities.   Born with the blood of the High Elves running through them stronger than most, these Elves show this powerful heritage by needing less food, drink, and sleep than other beings as well as displaying an immunity to aging effects.
Heart of Fire: Creatures within a 10ft radius of you including yourself take twice as long to suffer the effects of cold weather as the temperature is raised in this aura. Those who strike you for damage in melee take one point of fire damage that ignores resistances. You gain the spark cantrip and the ability to generate incredibly small amounts of flame in and around your hands or fingertips. Replaces Elven Immunities.   Having taken a shard of the Everflame into their bodies, these Elves' souls burn bright with the Everflame's power and radiance - granting them a body that emits heat and allows them to generate small sparks and shards of flame.
Hunter Sense: Gain a +2 racial bonus on perception and survival skills checks. Replaces Keen Senses.   Preferring the wilds and forests to the courts and intrigue, these Elves care little for the trappings of society and hone their senses as hunters.
Underdark Scion: Gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Knowledge(History) Checks. You gain Knowledge(History as a class skill. You gain Darkvision out to 60ft. Replaces Keen Senses and Racial Senses.   As one of the last surviving members of the Underdark's Denizens, these Scions retain the darkvision of their Drow Ancestors as well as the lying aptitude and penchant for history that marked Drow Society long ago.
Court Sense: Gain a +2 racial bonus to diplomacy and Knowledge(Nobility). You can make Knowledge(Nobility) checks untrained. Replaces Keen Senses.   The masters of the politics of the Orlessian Kingdom's courts, these Elves make up the bulk of the Grand Kingdom's nobility and are thus trained hands at the Kingdom's complicated politics and scheming.
Insect Wings: Gain a 30ft Fly Speed with Average Maneuverability. Replaces Elven Magic as well as the base Elven swim and climb speeds.   Having grafted insectoid wings onto themselves with Elven Genemelding, these Elves are capable of true and actual flight.
Flame Magic: Gain +1 point of fire damage per die for any fire-based spell or effect. Your charisma counts as 2 higher than normal for all class abilities if you possess the 'Phoenix' or 'Elemental(Fire)' Bloodlines. Replaces Elven Magic.   Their soul burning brighter and differently than other creatures, these Elves find it far easier to gather and manipulate Fire Mana than other creatures of their kind or otherwise.
Plant-Sighted: Gain the Wild Empathy druid ability, but only for creatures of the Plant Type. You may take Animal Companions of the Plant Type. Replaces Fey-Sighted.   Born with a strange, otherworldly connection with plants, these Elves are capable of communing with plants better than most.
Vermin-Sighted: Gain the Wild Empathy druid ability, but only for creatures of the Vermin Type. You may take a Vermin Animal Companion. Replaces Fey-Sighted.   Born with a strange, otherworldly connection with vermin, these Elves are capable of communing with vermin better than most.
Fey Awareness: Gain 60ft Blindsight against Fey Creatures. You can detect Fey Influences in the world around you and and Fey Court Allegiences(If Any) with this 60ft Blindsense as well. Replaces Fey-Sighted.   Carrying an unusually strong connection to the fey within them, these Elves have a more alien mindset similar to the fey which allows them to understand how the Fey think and work - allowing them to hunt them with impunity.
Flameskin: Gain Fire Resist 10. Replaces Fey Defenses.   Granted a resistance to flame thanks to the heat of their souls, these Elves are innately resistant to the scorching heat of fire.
Noble Heritage: Gain a racial +2 on all saves made vs spells and spell-like abilities that stacks with other racial saving throw bonuses. At 7th Level, this bonus becomes Spell Resistance equal to 11 + HD. Replaces Fey Defenses.   Born as a scion to one of the last of the Dark Elven Nobility, these Elves are gifted with incredible magical power and resistance to mana, allowing spells to simply slip through them compared to other creatures.
Two Weapon Fighters: You count as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the penalties associated with Two-Weapon Fighting. If you take the feat, you further reduce these penalties by 2. Replaces Bowmastery.   Focusing on martial combat rather than ranged attacks, these masters of martial prowess typically hail from the Orlessian Kingdom and the Elves of the Orlessian Nobility.
Nature Mage: Whenever you would add spells to your list of spells known as part of leveling up, you may have one of those spells come from the Druid Spell List. Replaces Bowmastery.   Born with a natural connection to a powerful source of nature magic or to one of the Fey, these Elves can naturally draw upon Druidic Magic as they learn how to manipulate mana.
Sense Dead Zone: As a swift for a number of minutes equal to 1/2 your HD(Minimum 1), you can make yourself immune to being detected by all special senses(Blindsight, Lifesense, Tremorsense, Etc). Replaces One of Two Worlds.   Able to fade parts of their bodies into the Feywilds with concentration and power, these Elves retain this ability that was once created and mastered by their ancestors in the Underdark long ago to hide them from the giga-predators and their own people and help them maintain their dominance.
Eternal Challenger: As a move action that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, you can choose a target you can see within 30ft and compulse them to challenge you. You may only have one target targeted at a time, and you may have targets forcibly made to attack you for a total of rounds per day equal to 1/2 your HD + 1(Minimum 2). You may divide these rounds as you wish, but must spend them in 1 round increments. Replaces One of Two Worlds.   True warriors to the core, these Elves take the notions of martial combat, honor, and one on one duels so seriously that with a bit training they can focus the commanding words of their Fey Ancestors to force others to fight them for a limited time.
Ghostwalk: As a swift action for a number of rounds per day equal to 1/2 their HD + 1 (Minimum 2), you can pass through walls as if you were incorporeal and ignore difficult terrain. You can only pass through a wall if you could reach the other side in the duration you have remaining. Replaces One of Two Worlds.   Able to step into the Feywild for a short period of time, these Elves have learned how to use this phasing ability to their advantage to pass through walls and glide over harsh terrain for a variety of reasons and purposes.

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