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Heartbeat of the World

Mythology & Lore

Those who follow the heartbeat of the world are those who believe in existing in tandem with the natural world - not living alongside it as elves do, but instead respecting and growing alongside it rather than consuming and using it. They believe that world is a living organism, much akin to a living song - each measure of wind its breath, each volcano a vein in its heart, and so on as every action taken is done with maintaining and living alongside the 'heartbeat' of the world in mind to keep it living and healthily moving along.   The gods, they believe, are merely caretakers of this living organism called the world - immensely powerful ones, yes, but caretakers nonetheless as is everyone meant to be. Those who step too far out of line in this belief are diseases that they believe are to be smited by the gods.

Divine Origins

The way of the heartbeat of the world is a truly ancient religion, well-known as the oldest remaining religion in the world - it is the first and most ancient religion of the Dwarven people, the religion of their ancestors, and is one that in the modern day has found itself becoming more and more forgotten and obsolete, as more and more leave the ways of this religion behind for the more modern religion of the Dwarven people.

Cosmological Views

Those of path of the world's heartbeat believe that the world was designed by the Old Gods and was left behind only when it was completed enough for it to sustain itself, leaving the Primordial Races to nuture and take care of the world they made. Without a check on their power, the old races eventually corrupted the world with their bickering and warfare and plunged the world into a thousand years of darkness as a result - and in time, the coming of the High Dragons brought the corruption to its zenith and locked the world in a vice grip of absolute law and order. When the Old Ones returned they freed the world of its corruption as they killed off the High Dragons, leaving the New Gods to settle in their place who were forged from the Heroes of Old to guide the world into its newfound freedom.

Tenets of Faith

Protect the sanctity of death and ensure the souls of the dead are released to their rightful place. Honor your ancestors and learn from their example.
Live with loyalty and honor, and always repay your and your ancestors' debts for better or worse. Embody them and teach others how to live a proper lifestyle.
Always strive to keep balance in your life and in the world around you. Do not let yourself be controlled by the past.
Destroy the problems and roadblacks that stand in the way of Peace. Peace is the natural way of things, so eliminate that which stands in the way of it.
Respect the earth and protect it. It is from earth all is born and is unto earth all shall return.
Always be open to learning. There is something you can learn from everyone, for you are always a student.
Think before you act and speak and do nothing recklessly. Let your actions speak louder than your words, and always seek to make your next work your best to show that you are improving.


Worship in the way of the world's heartbeat is done primarily through three ways - song, dance, and work. This worship tends to be very rythmic, repeating, and purposeful in its nature and execution.


The priests of the way of the world's heartbeat are unique in that they are by no means clerics, priests, or paladins of their chosen deities - instead, they are envoys of the world, most commonly druids forming druid circles alongside rangers, hunters, and the like who infuse themselves with the worlds' power.

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