Jackalfolk Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The aliens from beyond the stars

Ability Score: Jackalfolk are nimble and intelligent, but not very strong. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Strength.   Type: Jackalfolk are Medium sized Aberration Type Creatures.   Speed: Jackfolk have a base land speed of 30ft.   Senses: Jackfolk have darkvision out to 60ft.   Eldritch Engineers: Jackalfolk are experts at building and engineering, but as Aberrations they tend to build fantastical and alien structures that defy imagination. They gain a racial +2 on all Knowledge (Engineering) and Knowledge (Planes) checks, and both can be made untrained.   Slave Drivers: Jackalfolk are professional slavers, and know well how to get the best use out of those they control. They gain a racial +2 to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.   Embalmed Bodies: Jackalfolk not only have alien biology, but they also tend to mummify themselves and put their organs into canopic jars, making it harder to vitally strike them in battle. Their AC is treated as 4 higher against attacks of opportunity and for confirming critical hits.   Adaptable Affinity: With their incredibly bizarre and eldritch makeup, Jackalfolk have a strange innate ability to change what type of energy they are harmed and healed by. As a standard action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity, they may switch their Positive/Negative Energy Affinity, changing which they are harmed and healed by.   Alien Resistance: Jackalfolk are not of this reality, and as such spells and spell-like abilities from this reality have a harder time finding purchase on them. They gain Spell Resistance equal to (7 + HD).   Pharaoh’s Command: Jackalfolk can cast Charm Person as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to their HD.

Basic Information


Jackalfolk appear to all outside inspection to be humanoid creatures with jackal heads placed atop their slightly furred shoulders. Their internal anatomy is unknown.

Genetics and Reproduction

Jackalfolk are not known to reproduce - instead, fully grown adult jackalfolk simply emerge from the pyramids at the center of their cities. Female Jackalfolk are known to occasionally enter these pyramids, but nothing else is known about them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Jackalfolk do not grow into adulthood - unbeknownst to all other races, Jackalfolk are grown, not born. They are grown artificially inside the pyramids at the centers of their cities and taught from the moment of their "birth" to perform their chosen lot in life.   Once "born", Jackals reach middle age around age 35, become old around age 70, and become venerable at age 80 and die shortly thereafter.

Ecology and Habitats

Jackfolk are found exclusively in the deserts of the world, and seem to prefer to be active at night, when it is cold.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Jackalfolk eat a relatively normal diet, but they do not care as much for how rotten food is, and will devour slightly rotten food with no repercussions or issues.

Biological Cycle

jackalfolk age outwardly as humans do - but they do not show signs of it until they are very near venerable, however. Their mummification prevents the signs of aging until extreme old age.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Jackal faces are typified by their jackal-like appearances, with pointed ears and long snouts.

Average Intelligence

Jackalfolk are incredibly intelligent far in excess of the human norm, albeit very specialized in this knowledge.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

With eyes hyperadapted to the dark, Jackalfolk can see in the dark out to 60ft.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Jackalfolk names are unisex, and typically pull from the Egyptian Lexicon. They do not have a name until just before they leave the pyrmiad where they are "Born" - their name is often given to them by the peers in their class. Until then they are often referred to as a number indicting batch or when they were "born".   Names: Khaf'ra, Imset, Khonsu, Ma'at, Meskhent, Onnophris, Hatmehit, Mehet, Het-Heru, Anuke
80 years
Conservation Status
Jackalfolk are found exclusively in The Cinderlands and are extremely rare outside of it.
Average Height
Males: 5'8 - 6'6   Females: 5'8 - 6'2
Average Weight
120 - 250lbs
Average Physique
Jackalfolk physique is almost outwardly identical to humans, save for their jackal head.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Jackalfolk skin ranges from dark tan to pitch black - their fur is always pitch black as well, and their eyes tend to be various colors. Their eye color is often associated with their position in society.
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