Kitsune Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The all-female foxfolk whose tails carry innate power

All-Female Race
Ability Score: Kitsune are agile, charismatic, and companionable, but tend to be physically weak. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, and –2 Strength.   Type: Kitsune are Medium sized Humanoids with the Kitsune and Shapechanger subtypes.   Speed: Kitsune have a base speed of 30 feet.   Senses: Kitsune have Low-Light Vision, and can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Change Shape: A kitsune can assume the appearance of any human form of the same sex as per the Alter Self spell. The kitsune always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the kitsune does not adjust her ability scores and can remain in this form indefinitely. This is an extraordinary ability.   Kitsune Magic: Kitsune add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment spells that they cast. Kitsune with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain dancing lights 3 times per day as a spell-like ability, caster level equals their level.   Superior Shapeshifter: Kitsune take more naturally to shapeshifting than magic, and develop that gift. They gain Fox Shape as a bonus feat at 1st level, ignoring its prerequisites.   Natural Nobility: Kitsune occupy the highest strata of the society they call home, and are almost universally considered Nobility by those that inhabit their lands. As such, they are all very well adapted to the rigors of communication and charisma. Kitsune gain a racial +2 to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.   Nine-Tailed Inheritor: Kitsune are a wellspring of magical energy that manifests as additional tails. Kitsune gains Magical Tail as a bonus feat at 3rd level, and every 3 levels after that.

Basic Information


Kitsune are for the most part normal humanoids aside from the tails attached to their posteriors(Specifically around the tailbone), which can range from anywhere from one tail to nail tails depending on their power level. They also have a pair of fox-like animal ears atop their heads in place of normal ears.   Additionally, Kitsune are an all-female race.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kitsune reproduce through sexual reproduction, but due to their nature as an all-female race they must rely on couplings with other races' males(And very rarely other females, through mysterious magic) to reproduce - thankfully, they are genetically compatible with most any other race. The couplings they produce only produce female kitsune and males of the parent race.   Once they come down with children, they have a similar gestation time to humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Unknown. They are believed to live in excess of 300 years, as they never show any signs of aging past reaching maturity around age 24.

Ecology and Habitats

Kitsune are most at home in cold and forested areas and locales.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kitsune are omnivores but tend towards plant-based diets.

Biological Cycle

They show no signs of the passing of time externally pass when they reach maturity around age 24.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Kitsune are much, much smarter than baseline humanity.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kitsune eyes are adapted to living in conditions of low-light, and their animals ears give them slightly increased hearing capability.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kitsune names draw from the Japanese and Korean lexicons.   As they are an all-female race, their names are all female.   Female: Umeka, Saeko, Emina, Miya, Michiru, Mi-Cha, Soojin, Iseul
Unknown. At least 300+ years.
Conservation Status
They are incredibly populous within the borders of the Stormland Empire, but are incredibly rare outside of it.
Average Height
5.0ft - 5.8ft
Average Weight
80lbs - 110lbs (+15lbs per tail)
Average Physique
Kitsune are shorter, thin, and light of skin humanoids with less muscle mass and body weight, but are beautiful to the extreme and intelligent as well.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kitsune tend to be lighter skinned with blue to gold eyes, and hair that tends to be darker colors and occasionally red.

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