Kobold Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The scaled beast-tamers who prowl the sands

Ability Score: Kobolds are fast and weak, yet are hardy due to the environment that they live in. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, and -2 Strength.   Type: Kobolds are Small sized Humanoids with the Kobold subtype.   Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 20 feet.   Sandrunner: Due to their desert home, Kobolds have learned how to dart across the ever-shifting sands quick enough to avoid sinking into them, granting them an innate ability to move over uneven terrain unhindered. Kobolds are never hindered by non-magical difficult terrain. Additionally, they are capable of seeing through sandstorms, blizzards, and other stormy extreme weather conditions(GM Discretion), ignoring the miss chance and perception penalties for these obstructions up to their normal normal range of vision.   Wormrider: Due to the giant worms their people use as mounts to traverse the vast expanses of desert in their homeland, Kobolds have developed an innate talent for riding upon beasts and animals as well as handling animals to keep them calm. They gain a racial +2 to all Ride and Handle Animal skill checks, and one is always a class skill.   Desert Fortitude: Due to the scarcity of resources in the desert they call home, Kobold bodies have become used to going long periods of time without food, water or sleep. Kobolds may go without eating, drinking, or sleeping for a number of days equal to (CONMOD, Minimum 1).   Scion of the Sky Lords: Due to their heritage as descendants of the ancient dragons, Kobolds have some of the innate charisma and resilience of their draconic ancestors. Kobolds gain a racial +2 on Bluff OR Diplomacy skill checks(Player’s Choice) and gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects.   Elements of Chaos: As embodiments of true chaos, Kobolds are naturally quick to take to the art of trapmaking, their eyes keen and sharp as they dart just out sight. Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking) and Perception checks.

Basic Information


Kobolds are small and scaled humanoids with thin tails and spiky horns, but otherwise possess normal human anatomy.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kobolds reproduce by laying eggs, so kobold males and female get together to mate so that the eggs might be fertilized, and once they are fertilized they are laid by the females outside the body in litters of 10 to 25 eggs at a time, and take anywhere between 4 to 8 months, buried under the desert sands, before they hatch. During this time, the kobolds that laid them generally don't care enough to stay and look after their young, leaving them behind to hatch alone.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once hatched, kobolds grow to full maturity within 2 years, sticking with their litter mates to form a new clan for all those who survive the first 2 to 4 years. They hit middle age around age 25, reach old age around age 40, and become venerable at age 50 and die shortly thereafter.

Ecology and Habitats

Kobolds are almost exclusively found in the dry sandy deserts of The Cindered Lands, but can be found in any other hot and arid locales.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kobolds count almost everything as part of their diets - even others of their own kind. They see anything, even corpses, as food, for they no longer see the soul as inhabiting the body and thus nothing more than a resource.

Biological Cycle

Kobolds show no outward signs of aging right up until the end of their natural lifespan due to the fact they shed their scales every so often.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Kobolds have intelligence a bit above average when compared to standard races such as humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kobolds have mostly normal senses but possess a heightened sense of smell and hearing, as well as organic lenses to shield their eyes from whirling sandstorms, blizzards, and other similar brands of storms to allow them to see normally.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kobolds names are traditionally inspired by and drawn from Muslim and Aztec names. Kobolds earn their names by giving them to fellow clan members once they have done something that others deem warrants a name.   Male: Coatl, Huitzitl, Patzal, Itzhuitl, Abdul, Uqbah, Jaasir, Tayyib   Female: Olhuani, Necatla, Xiomara, Namazuma, Kabeera, Manaara, Sundus, Jeelaan   Clan: al-Rahimi, al-Saad, el-Rashed, el-Omer, al-Basa, al-Gad, al-Ghattas, el-Shafi
50 years
Conservation Status
Kobolds are found everywhere across The Cindered Lands, but are very rare outside of these lands. Their exact numbers are unknown due to their nomadic lifestyle.
Average Height
2 ft 6 in. – 2 ft. 8 in
Average Weight
25 - 40lbs
Average Physique
Kobolds are small, scaly humanoids with tiny physiques and not much muscle mass, but possess a great deal of natural quickness and dexterity.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kobolds have scales that run the gamut between the chromatic and metallic dragon scale colors of old, with eyes that match their scale colors and that lack whites, instead simply being an orb of color and a black pupil. A kobold never grows hair.

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