Oni Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The towering shapeshifters who are in tune with nature

Ability Score: Oni and durable and wise, are simple folk who lack intelligence. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Intelligence.   Type: Oni are Medium-Sized Humanoid Creatures with the Oni and Shapechanger subtypes.   Speed: Oni have a base land speed of 30ft.   Senses: Oni have Low-Light Vision, and can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Shapechange: As a standard action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity, Oni can change into or out of a Hawk Form, turning them into a mundane hawk. This functions as Beast Shape I, and is an extraordinary ability.   Connection with the Land: Oni are very innately in tune with nature and the creatures that dwell within it, and gain a racial +2 on Survival and Handle Animal checks.   Undying: Oni are blessed with incredible durability that allows them to return from almost any mortal wound, and they gain Regeneration 3 overcome by fire.   Spirit-Touched: Oni are closely in tune with the spirit world and the other worlds. Instead of the normal penalties, they only have a 50% miss chance against Incorporeal Creatures with mundane weaponry, and have no chance when wielding a magic item. Additionally, they lower all other miss chances they would suffer from by 10%, to a minimum of 0%.   Animal-Loved: Oni are very closely in tune with animals, and are capable of communicating with any creature of the Animal or Magical Beast type, but can only communicate using simple emotions and concepts.   Plantbringer: Oni gain the ‘Plantbringer’ Universal Monster Rule, substituting Mythic Rank for ⅕ of their character level(Minimum 1). Oni start play with a masterwork living wood quarterstaff.

Basic Information


Oni for the most part have an anatomy reminiscent of normal humanoids, but unlike normal humanoids they have two bony horn growths atop their head, sprouting from their forehead specifically and reaching around six to eight inches long. They have a relatively thin bones to enable their strange biological shapeshifting that works through unknown biological means that are not yet fully understood.

Genetics and Reproduction

Oni, instead of live birth, lay eggs every year or so, burying their eggs afterwards in soil as a symbiotic plant sprouts from the egg, nurturing the child in the egg until it reaches maturity and becoming the famous staff that all Oni are known for.

Growth Rate & Stages

Oni age slightly slower than normal, reaching full maturity around age 24. They do not hit middle age until age 60, become old around age 100, and become Venerable at age 120 and dying shortly thereafter.

Ecology and Habitats

Oni can thrive and live in any environment so long as it has plantlife in relative abundance, with some sources of meat to satisfy their small desire for meat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Oni eat mostly plants and herbs, but do subsist on a small diet of meat.

Biological Cycle

Oni age normally once they begin show signs of it, with skin greying and hair turning white, body and mind decaying until they eventually die.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Oni have slightly above-average inteligence when compared to humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Oni have eyes adapted to conditions of low-light, allowing them to see much further in conditions of low-light.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Oni traditionally have japanese or korean sounding names, with a higher emphasis on poetic and flowing names.   Male: Ishibashi, Hashimoto, Hitotsu, Daidouji, Sobong, Hwang, Masamune, Yoshihisa   Female: Hiwayo, Inushi, Nikumi, Mangjol, Kyon, Mi, Yayoi, Chisato   House: Ayyangar, Tamhanakar, Kapudia, Upadhyay, Nijasure, Jadhav, Bhaumik, Shevade
120 Years
Conservation Status
Oni are the most populous race in the east, and need no conservation, though they are hardly found outside of their homelands.
Average Height
5'8 - 6'6
Average Weight
120 - 250lbs
Average Physique
Oni have a tall, muscular, imposing physique and tend to be very animalistic in appearance.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Oni have skin that ranges from red to blue, with hair that can be almost any wild and random color in existence that has been known to change as they age.

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